Photo Edit Contest: Episode 7

Jul 19, 2003
Reaction score

Backup image host
so many ideas, no time right now...blasted work.
lol ryan his neck is really creeping me out. ITS JUST NOT NATURAL!
Holy shit this picture wins. So... many... ideas...
I could probably do a better job if I gave myself more time, but meh.

I do not have Photoshop, explains bad quality. I also do not have a good sense of humor, explains the lameness.
confused with the pic above lol^^^^^

also how was that inspirational?
I said that the guys picture inspired me to do a matrix themed one...

Im still not seeing any matrix in there...


EDIT: Oh... bullet time. I get it.

Everyone's confusion is confusing me, have you all never seen the matrix or something?!?! Was it not green enough? :p

Well done Mr. T, I believe you WIN.
Oh, his "Before" pic wasnt showing up, so I couldnt tell what it was. And is that an actual screencap of the slowmo from the movie? Because that cg ****ing sucks