Photo Editor/Creative Writer Needed


Jul 26, 2005
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I've got a whole bunch of screenshots from Garry's Mod that I wanna turn into a Comic. However, I lack any decent photo editing programs and to be quite frank, I'm too lazy right now to add a script/words to the pictures.

Basically, I'm wondering if the community would find any interest in viewing something like this every week or whatever.

It's another zombie survival storyline, but I think it's kewl. Give me an e-mail if you're interested in helping.

[email protected]
E-mail the pics to me ([email protected]) and I'll screw around with them, but I have to warn you, I'm not great. I'd love to give it a shot though :D
hmm im thinking about this. but my iea is really lame
Just gimme an e-mail or just repost it on If people have an interest maybe we can make more.
Uriel, I suggest you download The Gimp (a free version of Photoshop basically) as only you can effectively make the comic you want it to be.
Bought Garry's mod 10. Wondering if I should pick this back up again and left where i started.

What do you guys think?
I may do it, do you want it animated or still?

Probably still. I'm twiddling around this for a little bit, deciding whether I was to try and make a "comic series" outta this. Looking for someone to help me out with captions, collaborate ideas, etc.
I have an idea.

Continue it, but DON'T put any captions, just leave it wordless.

Could be allot more interesting that way, and i'm sure it'd let you be a trillion times more creative.
Guess I'll get to work. I don't think i'll use those previous screen's though. I got a widescreen since then so it's gonna be in a higher resolution.