Photo notes?


Oct 3, 2003
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Okay so I'm in class today and the professor stops his lecture because this guy was taking pictures of the board using a professional camera instead of writing down the notes on paper. The professor says he want him doing that, and the guy protests and says theres nothing wrong with it.

The professor said he didn't want him taking photographs because he could make copies and give the copies to other people. The guy with the camera said that its the same thing as notes, because notes can be copied too and theres nothing wrong with that (its even encouraged by teachers to share notes). Eventually the guy gave up and put the camera away...

Anyways my question to you is do you think it shouldn't be allowed?
Thats some tight-ass professor and a smart thinking kid!
Promotes lazieness IMHO..but if you can't write fast, or have really sloppy handwriting like myself, I say yeah, but I'd rather get a laptop and type it up.
He should just write them down. The more times you write it, the more you'll remember!
oh also heres another tidbit that might change peoples opinions:

the professor doesnt like writing on the board... instead he likes to put up printed out notes on his overhead projector, and he rushes through them often and doesnt give you enough time to copy down the information (which is c++ code, mind you... so its not like you can summarize).

but the professor refuses to give copies of his notes to students, even if they request them ahead of time due to a predicted absense.

i guess its his way of keeping kids to come to class... or something.
oh also heres another tidbit that might change peoples opinions:

the professor doesnt like writing on the board... instead he likes to put up printed out notes on his overhead projector, and he rushes through them often and doesnt give you enough time to copy down the information (which is c++ code, mind you... so its not like you can summarize).

but the professor refuses to give copies of his notes to students, even if they request them ahead of time due to a predicted absense.

i guess its his way of keeping kids to come to class... or something.
WTFpwn him with a homemade virus that steal all his files, and uploads it to an FTP server.
I'd go with a laptop as well.

Only bell-ends use laptops in lectures :p

Well if he doesn't give enough time to copy it and doesn't publish the notes anywhere, then yes, a photographic copy seems ok.
He should keep taking photos. Maybe he would catch the teacher doing something he shouldn't. :O
I do a simlar thing at uni.. .well a group of us do, we used to have a lecture at 9am on a monday morning, me and 2 of my friends travel well over an hour in, the notes you get in a lecture you need or u wont pass the exam.

We alternate who attends, they collect three handouts and hit " record" on mobile and voice record the lectures, we then meet up in the afternoon/ evening and bluetooth the lecture across to eachother, and listen to it when we can be arsed.... that way we only have to get up early once every three weeks!

Therefore i think its a great idea taking pictures of the notes, lazy yes, but still a great idea!
i think he just got pissed off cause somebody tried finding a loophole around his bad and lazy teaching habits.
take up with the administration, he could always fake a disability
Well, when it comes to the end of term, surely everyone is going to give him a bad review in the teacher assessment form, and he'll be fired by the University?
Well, when it comes to the end of term, surely everyone is going to give him a bad review in the teacher assessment form, and he'll be fired by the University?

LOL right... ive had him twice before and those reviews dont do anything. hes the only one that teaches this particular class and in his other classes he hardly gets 10 people. they wont fire him... they just give him as little students as possible.
Why not set up a camera in the back of the room or tape it under his desk or some smart way to film the whole class!!! :D

Thats some smart ass kid, now i know what to do when i take tests. Take pics of them and then sell copies to student who hasnt taken it yet!

Im so pro right now....
take up with the administration, he could always fake a disability

I actually got given the go-ahead for a laptop, because I was borderline "disabled", due to some low-level Dyspraxia I have.

-Angry Lawyer
I had to provide the laptop, sadly.

*Angry Lawyer watches Kirovman's scheme deflate like a ruptured balloon.

-Angry Lawyer
That's a bit rubbish D:

"You're entitled to a laptop!"
":D ..."
"You have to provide it yourself!"
"D: I wasn't even aware they were banned..."
It was a classic old-fashioned one, 386. 16 colours, and trackball!

-Angry Lawyer
I had an XDA when I was at uni - I took it in to lectures and had that particular days lectures' powerpoint presentations on it. It was also on the uni's wireless network, so in long boring lectures I had an excuse to chat on MSN. The lecturers were all fine with it. If they mentioned anything I just showed them their lectures' powerpoint slides. I never really took that many notes in lectures, kinda pointless when its all available in PPTs anyway!

Guess it's silly telling someone not to take pictures of a board 'because they can be sold to someone else' ... basically if that's the only reason, then it's very fundamentally flawwed - in that notes that are copied can be just as easily sold - and are probably a damn sight more legible.
-- I don't know!