Photos from Mars, Part 2

LoneDeranger said:
Yeah, I mean those further in the distance.

Oh yes. I wonder what is happening to Spirit at this moment. Heard that it had hardware failure.
Oh yes. I wonder what is happening to Spirit at this moment. Heard that it had hardware failure.

What?! lol they must be using Windows...
lol, I heard somewhere that beagle is on linux, is it true ?, cause I must of been dreamin :D
Unless it's running on it's own custom OS or something else more obscure than Linux, it must be Linux.

Useing windows integrated or whatever it's called would be a mistake.
It started communicatign again, so is alrigh'. MAN that first picture is huge and pixellated! Looks like NASA takes pictures like my grandma sends her pictures through email!
hinson said:
Oh yes. I wonder what is happening to Spirit at this moment. Heard that it had hardware failure.

Some of Spirits flashram failed causing lots of wierd errors and making it constantly reboot. Nasa has since bypassed all of the flashram and is using its other storage devices as a short term substitute untill they can isolate the faulty chips. Until then it wont be working at full capacity but it is still working.
Why does NASA keep changing the colors with more red in them? Why don't the want us to see that Mars has a blue-ish atmosphere? (yes it does)
There's an insanely complicated answer that was posted on Slashdot at some point, but the jist of it is thats how the cameras are set up.
PvtRyan said:
Why does NASA keep changing the colors with more red in them? Why don't the want us to see that Mars has a blue-ish atmosphere? (yes it does)

Maybe they dont change the images. Its probably just that since the majority of soil on the planet is red, the light reflected off the surface and then off the dust in the atmostphere again makes it look red. On a clear day if you looked up it would probably be blue as you say, but it dosent look like a clear day in those images.
they make the sky red cause when they start the 100 billion dollar process of Terraforming, they want to show some immediate results about 3 months after they begin to show that its working. Then they release the real photos of the sky being blue. This is my crazy-ass hypothesis and should not be read by anyone.
Direwolf said:
There's an insanely complicated answer that was posted on Slashdot at some point, but the jist of it is thats how the cameras are set up.

Do you have the link? I know that with normal cameras the sky would appear too bright compared to the red soil, so either the soil would be too dark or the sky too bright depending on how the cameras set up and what the lighting conditions are like. What the photo's showing might just be a comprimise between the two.

Or NASA don't want people to think it's just a picture from the Nivada desert like the ones from the moon landings.
mrchimp said:
Or NASA don't want people to think it's just a picture from the Nivada desert like the ones from the moon landings.

Yeah, I think this is part of the reason. Most people are too stupid to realize Mars has a blue sky.

If you download Maestro (a public version of NASA's flight software), you can see what they REALLY look like. Blue sky and all.
They wouldn't actually want to... explain it... now would they?
ductonius said:
Maybe they dont change the images. Its probably just that since the majority of soil on the planet is red, the light reflected off the surface and then off the dust in the atmostphere again makes it look red. On a clear day if you looked up it would probably be blue as you say, but it dosent look like a clear day in those images.

No on one of the recent photo's, the NASA logo is red, a clear indication they mess with color settings.
Also wires that were blue on earth, are now pinkish/red.

The colors are more like this one (a NASA image editted by a graphics expert)

More like a cloudy day in the Arizona desert than a totally red planet.
a soviet probe that went to mars was reported (by the soviets, so go figure) that before the thing ceased transmission an object was seen moving toward it.

many people think theres like a shadow government that is bypassing normal government...shite... and is sabatouging the probes. it always seems like theres some kind of technical difficulty when we go to mars so who knows.

if you want to see some serious bullshitting check out and look at some of the pictures they have.
Thats some real BS alright... How the hell can they say that that is a bowl? or a circut breaker box? to me those are just randomly shaped rocks.
Direwolf said:
It doesn't specifically explain the sky, but I bet this has something to do with it:

That expalins it perfectly.

That thing about the russians saying they saw something moveing towards the probe before they lost contact is quite funny, If there really was something moveing towards it... well it can't have been a rock that had been hurled through the mar's atmosphere by a Tornado or a rock slide because it would have been pretty damn obvious what it was.

Have they actually released the pictures of this 'thing'?
Now it all makes sense Hitler is the head of the shadow goverment that controls the world.
those tiles that were described in the original post: theyre impressions made from the airbags according to my newspaper.