photoshop critique/new avatar


Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
just photoshopped this new avatar a little while ago, and would like a little critique on it :P or just people to notice me and give me attention so I don't eel so lonely.... so very lonely...

anyhow, I think this avatar is dedicated to ghost valkyrie :P

heres a full[er] version

edit; oops, forgot to attach :P
The ol' hammer and sickle have been well integrated into the flag, given the two-colour nature of the original. It looks like a real flag, which is probably the best part. I like it.
thank you :D

I think the larger version which I scaled my avatar down from may be a little artifact-y, if you look somewhat close. think I should try blurring out trouble spots a little?
How did you recolor the area where the stars used to be and still retain the wavey look?
first I used clone brush very finely to get rid of the stars, then I selected around the area I wanted to be red, made a new layer, filled it with red, and set the blending mode thing to color. then I used the blur tool to get rid of stry pixels and smooth it out a bit.
CyberSh33p said:
first I used clone brush very finely to get rid of the stars, then I selected around the area I wanted to be red, made a new layer, filled it with red, and set the blending mode thing to color. then I used the blur tool to get rid of stry pixels and smooth it out a bit.

looks very good.. funny how it makes you think back to the cold war and what could have been if the USSR hadn't collapsed ;)
Looks very real, that's for sure. Nice job :).
thank you all :P I feel so loved, hehe

yesss.. praiiiise... preciouuuuus...
Wow, very nice. Even more impressive than NSPIRE's sig.
Nice combination of the stripes from the U.S.A flag and the sickle/hammer and red colour from ex russian flag.

So..this flag shows that Russia has conquered America in the future.
thanks :P I'm trying to make it wave right now (as per lil' timmy's suggestion) but am having little luck. actually little time. I just gotta work on it a while.

btw your sig scared me kana, I highlighted accidently and there ere numbers o_o I wa sall wtf. good times.
i like it too, maybe ill have to change mine a little bit too :D