

Jul 22, 2004
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I just installed Photoshop 7 and am finding it quite difficult in my own task, to make a leaflet to go with a letter to apply for funding for my gap year. So I ask yees peoples of, how does one make an 14 page with 2 folds, 3 divisions for a flyer/leaflet type affair?

I thanks yees
Uh I think Photoshop is maybe not the appropriate program? You probably need something a bit more desktop publishing oriented - Photoshop is more for editing actual photos. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure even MS Word would be a better choice...
Also I think you should change the title of this thread, it's potentially a bit misleading.
ms word lol

photoshop is cack (serif photoapp FTW) but thats beside the point - you're using the wrong application
quarkXpress does what you need ..photoshop as others have said, is an image editing app not page layout. Use MS Word

john3571000: photo app looks like a jack of all trades master of none app ..cant see how it's a ps killer ...tell me more
i just like using it - iits far more user friendly than photoshop which you really only need if you use a tablet and oh I got it for free when it retails at €500 :E
I use PS on a daily basis and have for years ...user friendliness isnt high on my list (although I still forget where things are) ...seems kind of expensive. Admittedly ps is a bit of a one trick pony but I've yet to find a more powerful app than PS/Illustrator
stick to what you know is my advice but consider giving serif a whirl (its cronically underrated/unknown) - i remember trialing ps and going into menus to find things that logically should have been there and werent :flame:
heh ya ps has had feature creep for years ..I probably only use 60% of the tools 90% of the time

and you're right I've never heard of serif photoapp. Is it anything like Painter (which would work well with a tablet ..not that I ever use a tablet :) )
Haha but Photoshop is a great invention, just like the internet. You can do pretty much what ever you want in PS ;P
except draw with just a mouse

illustrator is far more powerful in many ways ...photoshop is mostly window dressing whereas illustrator is the framework
I do all of the graphic design for my school newspaper. I use photoshop everyday and I love it. I'm thinking of studying Graphic art/design in college.
Use InDesign for page layouts. It's on course to take over Quark eventually.

Get the 30 day trial if you think you can do it in that time.
few studios I've been to use in design ..many of the studios still use g3's running photoshop 7

In design is far more popular outside of north america ...although I hate quark and it's unfriendly user interface so I'll probably eventually move to in design
serif page plus 10

thats what you want

i use it for my grpahics course

briliant for general layout

serenly bollucks for any drawing, or anything! but handels everything else well