Phrases/words you hate


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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I REALLY hate the phrase "changed history". If not talking about writen history (which the phrase is almost never used to describe) killing Franz Ferdinand didn't change history, history is events in the ****ing past, blowing someones head off nomatter how important doesn't ****ing change what has already happened. I can shoot Bush but it won't have changed ANYTHING that happened in the past, that's why we call it the fecking past. Also, no it didn't change the future because it hasn't ****ing well happened yet so it can't be ****ing well changed. AND NO, it didn't even change the present as the present is what is currently happening, this is the first time the present has happened and therefor can't be changed.

Also, I hate "Really makes you think" often followed by "huh". As if I wasn't thinking already, **** sake, maybe whoever says that only turns on their brain once in a blue moon but I am constantly thinking. You're not going to stop or start me thinking without drugs or a bullet in the head which nomatter how important I am WILL NOT ****ING WELL CHANGE HISTORY!

I also hate the word 'qaint', whoever says it should be shot with RAPE BULLETS!

I also hate people who use french words to sound sifisticated, gentil means nice, nothing more!!

You hate french words? I wonder why the heck americans call fries "french fries". I mean for heavens sake the damn potatoes are originally from the American continent and not from France so wtf!? I HATE FRENCH:frown:

P.S. I hate all internet slang
I hate oxymorons. Like my U.S. History textbook is called Modern History. I just want to kick someone for naming it that.
And I don't know if this would qualify but I sincerly hate people who typ liek dsi on te intrweb.
Qonfused said:
I sincerly hate people who typ liek dsi on te intrweb.

Yeah me too. Like I said I HATE ITERNET SLANG! So from now one I won't use any of it LOLZ:dork:
Redneck said:
Yeah me too. Like I said I HATE ITERNET SLANG! So from now one I won't use any of it LOLZ:dork:

Internet slang is fine. It's just when people couldn't care less if the people can't even read their post. It's really only applies to forums and such. With messengers, I don't care.
I detest the term "lol" in any context. Also, "what's up" really makes me feel angry.

Redneck said:

Tu sens la merde, grosse chiasse de caliss.
So you're talking about chav talk:P . When I looked at that conversation that Shippy posted I'll be damned if I understood any of it.
Redneck said:
Votre père était un hamster, et votre mère sentie des baies de sureau.

Je ne déteste pas le français, je déteste des personnes en utilisant le français au bruit sophistiqué
Qonfused said:
I hate oxymorons. Like my U.S. History textbook is called Modern History. I just want to kick someone for naming it that.
And I don't know if this would qualify but I sincerly hate people who typ liek dsi on te intrweb.

Why would you want to kick someone for naming a textbook Modern History? That's the entirely correct term for the period you would be studying.
ríomhaire said:
Votre père était un hamster, et votre mère sentie des baies de sureau.

Dute-n mata!

ríomhaire said:
Je ne déteste pas le français, je déteste des personnes en utilisant le français au bruit sophistiqué

Je deteste le français parce quoi il est cool.
ComradeBadger said:
Why would you want to kick someone for naming a textbook Modern History? That's the entirely correct term for the period you would be studying.

By definition, history is something that belongs to the past and modern is relating to the present or recent times. There is the oxymoron.

Although, I see the term history more as a chronological record of events than something that obligatory occured in an earlier time.
AntiAnto said:
By definition, history is something that belongs to the past and modern is relating to the present or recent times. There is the oxymoron.

Although, I see the term history more as a chronological record of events.
Modern History=Recent History.
I hate ebonics.(gangsta speak)

I hate the entire line of "Your mom" jokes.

I hate people who bring internet slang into real-life.

That's it really... the word I hate is "procrastination", ****ing teachers use it on us students all the time. >.<
Speaking of history, I hate the phrase "you're history!".
ríomhaire said:
I REALLY hate the phrase "changed history".
It's supposed to be "changed the course of" history. Killing someone important diverts history from it's current path because the history of that person can no longer be written.
Qonfused said:
Like my U.S. History textbook is called Modern History. I just want to kick someone for naming it that.
It's intended to be understood as "modern interpretation of written history" but there is not enough space on the book to write that in large capital letters.
xlucidx said:
I hate people who bring internet slang into real-life.
The internet is real life for a lot of people.
Redneck said:
Speaking of history, I hate the phrase "you're history!".
I think it's great.

I can't say I hate any phrases. I used to hate when people type "lol" but I started doing it all the time. :/

_Z_Ryuken said:
It's supposed to be "changed the course of" history. Killing someone important diverts history from it's current path because the history of that person can no longer be written.

It's intended to be understood as "modern interpretation of written history" but there is not enough space on the book to write that in large capital letters.

The internet is real life for a lot of people.

I think it's great.

I can't say I hate any phrases. I used to hate when people type "lol" but I started doing it all the time. :/


What are you, omniscient? :O
AntiAnto said:
By definition, history is something that belongs to the past and modern is relating to the present or recent times. There is the oxymoron.

Although, I see the term history more as a chronological record of events than something that obligatory occured in an earlier time.

Gah - History has no real definition.. (trust me, there are books on the subject of 'What Is History' )

Modern in that sense refers to the period defined as 'Modern History' . Much as 'Early Modern' refers to the period before.

Some Historians would argue we live in a post-modern age.
ComradeBadger said:
Gah - History has no real definition.. (trust me, there are books on the subject of 'What Is History' )

There is certainly a definition for "history" as a word. Etymologically, it must be defined. But that sure isn't the point here.
_Z_Ryuken said:
It's supposed to be "changed the course of" history. Killing someone important diverts history from it's current path because the history of that person can no longer be written.
Covered in the part of my rant concerning "changed the future"

Sulkdodds said:
You're geography, pal!
:cheers: I <3 Terry Pratchet :cheers:
This thread really makes you think...

I agree with Kage on the fact that "the fact that" is just an ugly phrase. I go to great lengths not to use it.

My most hated phrase is definitely "whatever", though. The utter apathy is just repulsive. w/e is even worse - I'm talking murderous rampage material.
Narcolepsy said:
I agree with Kage on the fact that "the fact that" is just an ugly phrase. I go to great lengths not to use it.

Gya-aha-ha-ha don'tteasmeamagad*twitch*
ComradeBadger said:
Some Historians would argue we live in a post-modern age.

Eek! We live in teh futurez:eek: !!

The word I hate is "apathy" and "apathetic", our teachers say we are apathetic:dozey: .
Redneck said:
Eek! We live in teh futurez:eek: !!

The word I hate is "apathy" and "apathetic", our teachers say we are apathetic:dozey: .

I'm sure you are.
ríomhaire said:
Covered in the part of my rant concerning "changed the future"
ríomhaire said:
I REALLY hate the phrase "changed history"... Also, no it didn't change the future because it hasn't ****ing well happened yet so it can't be ****ing well changed.
History as it occurs is set. It has a value.
For example, history books might list a living person in some article. This person dies and all these articles are now obsolete. Written history must be ammended. History as it occurs, it's set value, has altered or changed due to this need for an amendment.
History as we are taught in elementary school is the past usually but it is happening all the time. Everything we do makes history. It's happening right now.
Concerning the future, I do not believe in one. It's just an abstract concept.
No.. we (personally) aren't making History right now..

It's hard to explain, I'll try and attempt it. History is NEVER EVER set in stone.

Something is not History until it is written about.