Piano in club music


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
i woulda put this in the music section...if anyone was looking at it lol.

Listen I'm just starting to get into the club/techno/trance scene and I notice that most of the songs I like have piano in it. Does anyone know any songs/artists/albums where there's club/techno/trance with piano in it?

Dont tell me to search limewire and google, im not stupid, i'm looking for specifics please!:cheers:
alright richard cheese couldnt be farther from what im looking for. thanks anyway. if it was on purpose, i hate you.
Well he does have a piano...and he is in a club and yes it was on purpose.
please if anyone knows any DJs or artists that mix piano into their club music let me know
I don't think you will find any piano in Techno since the genre doesn't have any lead synths or piano goes. It's just machine oriented.

Have a listen to some old music from the 90's. "happy hardcore" or whatever they wanted to call their music. They liked to play piano in their songs :)
Are you talking about Itallian House which was about 15 years ago, or something more modern?
I think Clubbed To Death by Rob D has piano in it, but I can't check right this moment...
edit: checked. The piano is just in one part. The rest is quite heavy, synthy and dark. Do you want to hear it?
Yeah you wont find pianos in techno but theres plenty in trance. I dont know of many tracks with a piano because i generally think it sounds wank but whatever floats your boat. Check out humate - love stimulation (blank & jones remix) and paul van dyk - for an angel. I dont really like for an angel but theyre both classics.
I feel like banging my head into a wall whenever a club song starts in with a piano line, because I thought that cheese died out in the mid-90's.
hahha well i didnt expect people to share my warped opinion about this kind of music, but yes i was leaning more towards trance.
yeah so let me rephrase my question, im looking for trance music that focuses on piano.

I won't even mention the ****ing song, it's too ****ing obvious.


Robert miles - children.
I could get you a whole long list of awesome dance/trance music with piano as the main instrument, but it'd take me about half an hour of looking through my archive... I'll give you a few that I know off the top of my head: -

Voodoo & Serano - Overload
State of Grace - Wonder Why (CJ Stone Remix)
CRW feat. Veronika - Walkin' Like A Cat (Tillman Uhrmacher Remix)
Divine Inspiration - The Way
Red Carpet - Alright
Alex Bartlett - My Angel (CJ Stone Remix)
Delerium - Innocente
Way Out West - Mindcircus
Perpetuous Dreamer - Dust Wave
CJ Stone - Shining Star (Moonrise Vocal Mix)
Hurley & Todd - Sunstorm
Jakatta feat. Seal - My Vision
Robert Miles - Children
Balloon - Monstersound (Pulser Crew Remix)
Layo & Bushwacka Vs. Kings of Tomorrow - Finally a Love Story

There are some tunes in the list that aren't on youTube but i've stuck some samples together in this mp3 so you can see if they're what you're after or not. I like tunes that have pianos and orchestras ... I love gouryella and william orbits music for this reason.

"...vs Love Story", btw.

vs. Love Story? The original is 'layo & bushwacka - love story' mixed with 'KOT - Finally' to become Finally a Love Story, hence the 'vs. KOT' ... its not on youtube though so I just linked to the original. Both are awesome though :thumbs:

How could I forget this oldskool classic :)
I'm confused. The original song is called Love Story. The mix with Finally (the released version, anyway) is called Love Story (vs Finally) - and that is definitely what you linked to, not the original. Never heard of any 'Finally A Love Story', unless you're talking about a different mix.

edit: 'k the unreleased version WAS called Finally A Love Story... but the released version (with the vid you linked to) was LS(VsF)...
I'm confused. The original song is called Love Story. The mix with Finally (the released version, anyway) is called Love Story (vs Finally) - and that is definitely what you linked to, not the original. Never heard of any 'Finally A Love Story', unless you're talking about a different mix.
It's a white label, called finally a love story. Maybe it's the whitelabel that started the official release of the more popular love story mix.

Another tune to add to the list up there is 'Angel City - Do You Know' ... basically just an uncredited copy of 'Robert Miles - Children' with some cool vocals.
Hmmm I would rather like to hear that. But teh intarnets fail me....