
The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score
The word picnic is starting to annoy me more and more. It must be the goofiest word in the english vocabulary. It's like they put two incomplete words together and thought that that would make it a real one. Well it's not. And it's annoying too! Just the way the last c tastes in your mouth. Repeat it for half an hour like I've done and you don't look so kindly upon the world anymore. I bet that's why Hitler started WWII.
You could do the same with any word really ...


Hey-a Boo-boo-a, let's get ourselves a pic-a-nic basket.
Say "annoy" 20 times evaluating it. It will make less sense than picnic.
As is often the case, RJMC speaks for us all.
jeff goldblum
Woah Man. Don't speak ill of the dead.
It's like they put two incomplete words together and thought that that would make it a real one.
My favourite word is "shampoo". I like the idea that rubbing fake-excrement in your hair has the direct opposite effect to using the genuine steaming article.