Pics from "Predators" set

I am tentatively excited about this film. What is the spoiler?
The real spoiler:

Predator was HUMAN all along.
*sigh* we just know it's going to suck though :(
I'd hardly say the token dying is a spoiler. :rolleyes:

I had noticed that but assumed it was something more earth-shattering like a Predator doing something nuts in the background. I was eyeing up the last picture suspiciously with the hench looking one behind Adrian Brody on the step ladder.
Finally, no more Quarterback Predators.
It looks really classic, a la the first Predator. I'm impressed. I just hope they didn't make the story some generic "lost in forest, weird shit happening, must shoot the bushes, oh no one of my teammates is missing, enter big sexy Predator" bullshit. I hope they actually PROGRESS with the Predator fetish. Like, I don't know, make it more of a horror with a large plot?
Script was leaked some time ago and apparently it doesn't look good

apparently there is some sort of black super predator or something like that

nuff said my hopes aint high, there hasn't been even a decent alien/predator movie in a LONG time
The real spoiler is you can see there's a predator that isn't one of the stupid BSPs in the shot with Adrian Brody.
Script was leaked some time ago and apparently it doesn't look good

apparently there is some sort of black super predator or something like that

nuff said my hopes aint high, there hasn't been even a decent alien/predator movie in a LONG time

I have read the script. The script that has been leaked was the first draft that Robert Rodriguez wrote back in the 90's.
It's been changed considerably since then.