Pics from the real City 17


Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
I posted this once before but I thought I'd repost it one last time before I delete this stuff. (For the new people to see)

It's common knowledge that City 17 is based off of the city of Bucharest, Romania. I was there not to long ago, and took a ton of pics. So here's a couple real life pics of "City 17" I though I'd share.

See the resemblance? :D

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Pic 5
Pic 6
Pic 7
Pic 8
Pic 9
Pic 10
Pic 11
Pic 12
Pic 13
Pic 14
Pic 15
Pic 16
Pic 17
Pic 18
Pic 19
Pic 20
Pic 21
Pic 22
Pic 23
Pic 24
Pic 25
Pic 26
Pic 27
Pic 28
Pic 29
Pic 30
Pic 31
Me and some Romanian girls I met, in Istanbul. :D
Dude change the title from City17 to City17: Girls Edition :D
Err... let's go ontopic guys :D

I see the resemblance yes, but isn't that the case for a lot more eastern european cities than just Bucharest?

From the IGN 'all that we know' preview:

The location is an indefinable north-eastern European city, mixing influences of Prague, Budapest and even Amsterdam.

I personally see nothing that specifically looks like Amsteram in City-17, but whatever.
It isn't based on any one location. Most European citys have resemblances to City 17.

Those pics are good though.
PvtRyan said:
I see the resemblance yes, but isn't that the case for a lot more eastern european cities than just Bucharest?

From the IGN 'all that we know' preview:

I personally see nothing that specifically looks like Amsteram in City-17, but whatever.
There was another tidbit somewhere (Don't have a link)
Where it was stated that one of the valve guys is Romanian and that Romania was a large influance.

Dracula's Castle.
Erm, what is going on here? 0.o
Well, uhhh, back "on topic", the first picture (I almost wrote "screenshot" :p ) I see something that I've seen in the HL2 images. That forked road thingy...

What the hell am I talking about? I think this thread is done...
that pics are very similiar to city17
(I hope that girls will appear in city17)
the girls are nice :naughty:
ooo i would love there to be an amsterdam expansion pack where u get to go to the red light district...umm and fight monsters there..yea..
HL2 Expansion: Liberate Amsterdam's red light district from horny American tourists :LOL:

Back on topic, I think this thread was discussed here many months ago, back in the times when we still thought the game was coming out 09/30 :E
Plz. don't turn HL2 into duke nukem, i hope that some of the npc's have a european accent, because from what i've seen there all americans.
im sure Gordon's only got eyes for his Guns, Lab equipment, and maybe Alyx :p, lol maybe the Romanian girls are in HL2,.. just dressed in combine outfits.
I was born in Romania.... and yes that is the city City17 was modelled after. There is a guy that worked in the design at valve that is from that might be why this specific city out of all of europe was chosen. Being the capital of Romania.
I generally thought it was Bucharest, just by looking at the geography of the country. I posted something like this when I first joined, but most of the stuff has been spring-cleaned from
I dont think City17 is meant to be anywhere in paticular, its just a fictional place based around the style of a few east europian cities, i doubt its location has any bearing on anything other than the art.
In the strider vid, Gordon rips of a letter from a sign saying UMF on a side of a building, I think. Does this mean anything to you BWMASTER
jason m8 i remember when you posted this lot the first time.

Time to get the kleenex tissues out for the second time....( phhhwaaa the women )

( hides from wife )
crabcakes66 said:
*bad porn music starts to play at this point in the thread.
Mmm, quite. This seems more and more like a "No I'm not gay, seriously look!" thread.
Although it's not like I'm above it...
Many ppl have gatered have tons of eveidence that in fact, City-17 is a military research city in Eastern Russia. The impression that it's in Europe was born from fansites and un-official sources.

I give you the credit to consider that they might have modelled the city based off Bucharest, but probably becasue they wouldn't be allowed into the actual City-17 and they know that it might be similar.
no sprafa, i don't care... girls... GIRLS MAN!!

i'm not gay.. no seriously, back off

I no longer care about resemblances to city17, bring on the euro's... man cool pics though the last 2 are rad.

Canadian guys always get teh girls :naughty:
A lot of eastern europe looks similiar. However most things suggest that the setting is in Russia.

1. There is russian on many of the posters in movies and pictures
2. There is lenin in some posters
3. Russian gas masks used by combine
4. Russian-made armored vehicle in beach movie
5. And many many many other things which I cannot say because they are on spoiler sites.
I can't see any russian language in the movies. Could you show us a pic?
loofy said:
A lot of eastern europe looks similiar. However most things suggest that the setting is in Russia.

1. There is russian on many of the posters in movies and pictures
2. There is lenin in some posters
3. Russian gas masks used by combine
4. Russian-made armored vehicle in beach movie
5. And many many many other things which I cannot say because they are on spoiler sites.

Romania used to be Communist controlled. Hence... (above listed things)
jasonh1234 said:
Romania used to be Communist controlled. Hence... (above listed things)

Borgas (3rd largest city) in Bulgaria looks similar to City 17.
Those pictures look exactically like city 17, why this one looks like its right from one of those movies.