Pics of my new son Connor.


Sep 20, 2003
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He was at born at 5:13pm central time. My wife had him via Caesarean because he stopped moving past a certain point. My wife's pelvic bone is just to small. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

I am on a labtop computer using dial up in our hospital room. My wife and Connor are sound asleep. It takes a long friggen time to upload pics with 56k internet. I just wanted to share as it is the proudest moment of my life.

The first three pics are me holding Connor, the 4th is my wife Sara holding him, and then 4 more of him:







Adorable. Just amasing to look at isn't it? New life always amases me.
Awww! Such a cute kid. But you should've blurred out the naughty bits- this website does NOT support pornography.
zomg blurr porn! D:

Just kidding, cute baby.
Cute kid. Yeah, maybe you should have blurred the nether regions. I don't care really to see the fact that he's hung like a baby elephant.
Cool...your son is a doctor??

Oh wait...heh

Grats on the new kid btw!
He's so cute, If i were older I would say I want one.

He looks adorable, conragtulations.
By the way, is that a pimple I see on the last pic? <cackles>

Your kid is already raging with hormones, and the acne is building!

And also... make sure you were given a certificate of authenticity. Some times kids are said to be new, but they're either used and in poor condition, or refurbished.

Just trying to make sure you've gotten an honest deal, with a genuine shiny new kid.
Raziaar said:
And also... make sure you were given a certificate of authenticity. Some times kids are said to be new, but they're either used and in poor condition, or refurbished.Just trying to make sure you've gotten an honest deal, with a genuine shiny new kid.

Sigged :D

BTW, u should blur it, what with pedophiles these days ;)
ZOMG Naughty bits :/

Well, congrats. You've got a son named conor. What are you going to do with him now? :D
Jintor said:
ZOMG Naughty bits :/

Well, congrats. You've got a son named conor. What are you going to do with him now? :D

Protect him from the terminator.

Oh wait... that was John CONNOR
mines bigger.

actually no, its not


congratulations! he's a cutie.
Raziaar said:
By the way, is that a pimple I see on the last pic? <cackles>

Your kid is already raging with hormones, and the acne is building!

And also... make sure you were given a certificate of authenticity. Some times kids are said to be new, but they're either used and in poor condition, or refurbished.

Just trying to make sure you've gotten an honest deal, with a genuine shiny new kid.

A kid once had a small red dot on her nose, and it grew to a large tumour. Sure, it looked like she was wearing a red rubber ball on her nose but it took hours to get rid of...

zomg if u dint zend dis to 100 ppl in 8 sekonds u get a curse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

*Ahem* Well the story was true.
Danimal said:
A kid once had a small red dot on her nose, and it grew to a large tumour. Sure, it looked like she was wearing a red rubber ball on her nose but it took hours to get rid of...

zomg if u dint zend dis to 100 ppl in 8 sekonds u get a curse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

*Ahem* Well the story was true.

crapcrapcrapcrapcrap gotta send gotta send! I dun want a curse!
I want one, then I want to take a coat hanger, take care of business, then get another one..rinse, repeat.
What a cute little dude.. :')
Awwww bless! So ickle n soooo cute! congratulations! Have fun :)
Dude you're making me jealous
make sure his first word is da-da .... that way he's yours FOREVER! :E
Congratulations, and have fun being woken up every night for the next yr or two.
swiss said:
Congratulations, and have fun being woken up every night for the next 18 years


Congratulations, your sperm work! :D
the_rebel_medic said:
He's so cute, If i were older I would say I want one.

He looks adorable, conragtulations.

You may want to be leery of someone who has "Pedophile" listed as their location...

But hey, congrats and tight security from all the forum sexual deviants!:D
cute kid, congratulations will never sleep well again :)

carry wet wipes in your pockets at all times, you'll know why when it happens :E

oh and stay at least a foot away from your son when changing diapers ...surprising how something so small can imitate a firehose so well
My first two didn't do that, so I was lulled into a false sense of security, and taken completely by surprise by the mobile fountain that was my third son.
CptStern said:
cute kid, congratulations will never sleep well again :)

carry wet wipes in your pockets at all times, you'll know why when it happens :E

oh and stay at least a foot away from your son when changing diapers ...surprising how something so small can imitate a firehose so well

Pi Mu Rho said:
My first two didn't do that, so I was lulled into a false sense of security, and taken completely by surprise by the mobile fountain that was my third son.


Out the way experienced fathers coming through!
