pictures of glory holes in this thread


Ignore retard text.
I'm watching like a hawk, I tell you. This thread title made my innate moderator ban-instincts go wild.

Cool link tho.
That hole in the lake looks amazing. :O
If video games have taught me anything, a well placed grenade will close those all up.

You forgot the giant flapping penis and the ring on the left hand.
Boromir? Moving?! But he...boy, that's necrophilia. And you know how I feel about the dead!
What is that picture from anyways?
That has to be photoshopped.

That's the first time I've seen her looking attractive.
Everyone who just said that dog picture was from 4chan (insert obligatory Darkside55, "GOD DAMN IT DIDN'T I JUST SAY STOP TALKING ABOUT..."), you are completely and utterly wrong.

That particular picture comes from Something Awful. A few years ago the postal service began putting up flyers asking people to please keep their dogs in check when the mailman delivers mail. Using this image as a template, SA made a bunch of joke images off of it. By far the most popular was, "Those are my shoes, give them back you are a dog--they don't even fit." This would go on to spawn a very short-lived and short-spread fad of images that read, "Those/that is my _______, give it back you are a _______-- <flavor text>."

While that picture has been posted on 4chan before, initially it was met with, "Get out, SAfag." It would not be until years later when the picture would circulate around again, namely on /b/, but ultimately to no effect.

That was SA's picture

It did not become a 4chan meme

/b/ didn't even want it

(See what I did there?)
The colective digestive tract of /b/ expelled this?