Pilotable Strider Mod 0.3.5 Released


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
Pilotable Strider Mod 0.3.5: Titan's War Reloaded has been released to the public. The latest patch fixes a number of glitches in the last version and includes a few new maps. To view the change log and to download the client, head on over to the Pilotable Strider Mod homepage. I assume I don't need to tell you to restart your steam client, do I? [br]

Sweet....always loved going around pwing everything in sight with the Strider.
Pretty cool. Although the Strider can get like, anywhere, and in one of the maps it can walk right off in to places you are not supposed to be. They've got a lot of bugs to work out.

And Huntingbear... I'm not sure sigs like yours are allowed here :O
it's really poor, everything in the game handles really badly, the striders themselves handle like a drunk mum giving you a piggyride. it is fun I have to admit, but for maybe 10 minutes max.
a media release with screenshots at 800 x 600 without AA. : o and what omikron sayd ^ but... it looks ok.

omikron said:
the striders themselves handle like a drunk mum giving you a piggyride.
If you are referring to the way your camera moves, it's the exact same walk animation that is used in HL2 but with your POV stuck on the head... TBH I think it's cool how it's all moving about, a ton more immersive than a perfectly still camera moving in a straight line.