Pilotable Strider Mod SX

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Quartz is still working behind the scenes on his well known Strider mod whereby you can pilot various vehicles & characters from Half-life 2. Recently the Strider mod team have began working on a new version of the mod called Strider Mod SX (Single Xperience). Piloting Striders & Dog through single player levels. It will also include "A New Scriptable Entity called Qua_Pilotable"

Qua_Pilotable is a programmable entity through LUA which gets all the pilotable's logic from a external script that any user can access to modify the included pilotables or create his own. Strider Mod SX will include some scripts like the pilotable headcrab, which you can create or modify easily.

[br]Expect more media from these guys soon, and a video in the near future. For extra information visit the Strider Mod Website
That's actually pretty freaking awesome. Can't wait to see this finished up.
Grand! No more multiplayer exclusives! Let the Singleplayer Experiences begin! :D