Pilotable Strider Mod v0.2.5: RIDE THE HELICOPTER


Dec 10, 2004
Reaction score
Hi all.

I made a new version of the strider mod.

You can download here

Web site: Strider Mod on HL2Spain.com

v.0.2 bugs fixed in this version:

1. Strider movements. Now it won't make strange movements when you pilot it.
2· Faster response with the keyboard. The strider will do the leg attack and start crouching a bit faster.
3· Better Leg attack. It will be easier to hit the enemies with this attack.
4· Better Joining/Leaving strider. Now we won't make jumps to the sky or there type of problems.
5· New Strider's restrictions. The strider can't make leg attacks while it's crouching.

New in v 0.2.5

Helicopter. Now you can drive a combine helicopter, just press J key in any map to create one and USE it like the strider.
map quartz_large (is sdk_vehicles with a strider and a helicopter). :D

Helicopter controls :

- Accelerate:FORWARD
- Turn right: RIGHT
- Turn left: LEFT
- Up: JUMP
- Down: DUCK
- Gun: ATTACK 1 (default left mouse).
- Third Person View: Reload KEY

See readme.txt for more details.

Thanks to all for your suggestions about this mod.

You can send me suggestions and bugs here ->
[email protected]
sounds cool. i downloaded, gonna check it out later.
Actually, we are worthy - We're the community! :)

First I thought you only flew in a fixed altitude, but that was incorrect! Looks like this is gonna be some confidence boosting fun! Installing.
Is this the hunter-chopper or the gunship?

Either way, they both have secondary fires you could incorporate.

(chopper mines / gunship belly cannon)
This NEEDS to be online. I want Strider vs. peoples or Strider vs. Strider battles NOW.

Man, and walking in that Strider gives you such a feeling of power! I recommend everyone try this mod. It's really neat.

And the Inverse Kinetics on the legs!!! Like walking up a hill or something! AWESOME! (Even though it's all Valve work)

Good job on what you did, keep updating!
Mechagodzilla said:
Is this the hunter-chopper or the gunship?

Either way, they both have secondary fires you could incorporate.

(chopper mines / gunship belly cannon)

Here's a few screenshots I took.
I used the following settings:
sv_cheats 1
cam_idealdist 400
cam_yawangle 0


  • quartz_strider_playground0002.jpg
    80.9 KB · Views: 602
Another one...


  • quartz_strider_playground0003.jpg
    63.6 KB · Views: 511
Another #2...


  • quartz_strider_playground0004.jpg
    54 KB · Views: 466
Fourth and final.


  • quartz_strider_playground0005.jpg
    83.8 KB · Views: 471
Here's another.

lol sorry I couldn't resist.
vegeta897 said:
Here's another.

lol sorry I couldn't resist.

There is a 100kb limit on uploads. So to I had to upload each shot individually. Compressing the screenshots all way down to 20 kb would have turned them into pixel garbage..
CommandoSR said:
There is a 100kb limit on uploads. So to I had to upload each shot individually. Compressing the screenshots all way down to 20 kb would have turned them into pixel garbage..
ImageShack :)

(No hard feelings or anything, just being goofy here)
Is damage/health going to be included in a future update? It would be nice to see some proper MP maps that make use of the drivable Striders/Gunships with health.
Installation instructions are in the readme. How do you enable the AI in this mod? If I spawn some resistance or combine around, they just stand there and don't do anything. I tried ai_disable and it doesn't work.
diluted said:
Installation instructions are in the readme. How do you enable the AI in this mod? If I spawn some resistance or combine around, they just stand there and don't do anything. I tried ai_disable and it doesn't work.

A.I. is down to the mapper I believe.
I dunno if this is of any importance to Quartz, but I've never seen this error before until I tried playing with this mod.

Nothing big I suppose.

By the way, is there any way to remove impaled subjects from the Strider's legs? After the first few couple of rag dolls, it starts to get a little laggy.
can the next version include combine dropship and apc? please? :)

also, how do I get this working with hl2 dm!?
Bobcat said:
I dunno if this is of any importance to Quartz, but I've never seen this error before until I tried playing with this mod.

Nothing big I suppose.

By the way, is there any way to remove impaled subjects from the Strider's legs? After the first few couple of rag dolls, it starts to get a little laggy.
Well....Except for removing the strider altogether. ((Does ent work?)) I don't think there is a way, they are stuck and you cant even touch em.

((The leg impale kills everything in 1 shot btw , even an ant-lion guard. Its proof of the striders massive power =D))
edit? hmn. There should be a HUD for this. And yes online would be F**KING AWSOME.
One thing:
If it has not been already mentioned, killing the Strider crashes the game.
thats REALLY cool, yeah i hope i can play them on mp soon :D great job!
Got this from the readme.... CAN'T WAIT!!!111one

"In version 0.3, this mod will be MULTIPLAYER!!"