Pineapple Express Trailer [Leaked]

lovin it.

song is M.I.A. - Paper Planes
if anyone cares
Looks funny as hell. The song was really cool to.
Lol looks good, James Franco character looks hilarious.

I love that actress who says "You are high as ****ING KITE!!", seen her in other stuff, she's great.

Great choice of track too, used to be on our cd in my last job. Always lol'd at the gunshots.
****ing hell. How many movies/tv shows have to make that "on 3 or after 3" joke? And how many movies can Seth Rogen play the same character in?

I agree about Franco's character though. I love losers.
They had me at God's vagina.

Seriously though, Seth Rogen is becoming the new Will Ferrell. :|
He's not that much like Will Ferrell :p although for the record I think I like Seth Rogen at least as much.

They had me at "This is good weed."

I'm also looking forward to Franco's character, I'm a fan of him (especially on Freaks and Geeks) and this character doesn't look like anyone he's played before.
Wow, that looks really good. MIA paper planes definately goes well with the trailer.

It's really amazing that these people are able to create hit after hit. (no pun intended)