Ping problems :/


Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
Today and yesterday, I've been getting terrible pings to the usual game servers I play on. I would usually ping around 100ms to my favorite servers, now they're all 200-300ms. Nobody else playing on the servers has a high ping, only me. My question is, what could be causing this? I did a scan for viruses/spyware, and I haven't changed any Internet settings on my computer, or even installed anything in the last few days... so I don't think it's my computer that is causing this. I called up my ISP today and they basically just blew me off with some lame response that I'm getting high pings because everyone is off work today and clogging up the Internet. But this was happening yesterday too. So, is there anything I can do, or is just likely a problem at my ISP that I will have to wait to clear up? BTW, my ISP is MTS. (DSL)

Bleh. ;(
It worked for me, don't know if it'll work for you...

->Right-Click 'Steam.exe'
->Set Priority

You must do this everytime you restart Steam.
it could be ppl who are joining the server out of the country and that could make ur ping go higher
joule said:
It worked for me, don't know if it'll work for you...

->Right-Click 'Steam.exe'
->Set Priority

You must do this everytime you restart Steam.
Nope, didn't work. :/ I should've mentioned that I have bad pings to more than just game servers. 180ms ping to, 183ms to, 210ms to
It has to be a problem on my ISP's end, but getting them to admit it will be difficult, because it just HAS to be the user's fault. :sleep: is a good place to test your download and upload speed. If you are getting teh correct results there then you can see if your net connection is slow in general or just in certain situations.
Problem seems to have been sorted out. Called tech support again yesterday and the guy actually admitted that there was a problem with their servers and that they were working on it.
You know what also sucks around here. Think of it like this. No high I can live that. The problem is that my ISP has been giving me Shity Service 56k.
I can't live with that.
From 6 - 9 I get disconnects every 2 1/2 minutes. This has been going on since... December. Once our contract is up.. heh :)
Minerel said:
You know what also sucks around here. Think of it like this. No high I can live that. The problem is that my ISP has been giving me Shity Service 56k.
I can't live with that.
From 6 - 9 I get disconnects every 2 1/2 minutes. This has been going on since... December. Once our contract is up.. heh :)

damn that sux 56k is already bad enough