piracy and thieves


Jun 14, 2004
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Piracy, we've all heard about it, and probably at one time or another participated in it. Napster, Grokster, Bearshare, they have many names. In the streets of New York and even in the small towns you can find copied movies and music. Yet... what about the other side?

Assumption: pirate CDs and DVDs sell for $5 & $10 respectively, at a markup of 800%.

Math: it costs pirates roughly $.62 cents & $1.25 respectively to produce each disc. We don't know if all costs are absorbed into that margin, e.g. pressing, printing, packaging, & distribution. But we can assume, based on the context of the "margin quote", that those costs are included.

The industry selling prices are $10 ~ $20 for CDs, and $15 ~ $30 for DVDs. Assuming equal production costs, it means they are marking up *at least* 1,500% to 2,500%. Talk about *piracy*! But there's more....

I know that the industry pays far less (roughly half!) to produce their packaged media. I've read the averaged cost is $.30 cents per CD and $.60 cents per DVD. That would make their markups more like 3,300% ~ 5,000% !!!

Even with the higher overhead of advertising, facilities, & royalty payments, what could possibly justify those kinds of markups? IMO, it borders on the criminal...

The industry has shown unbridled greed, and by pushing congress for laws to protect their practices, have also revealed themselves to be extortionists and racketeers at heart.

Who are the real pirates here? If pricing was brought more into line with reason, the "piracy problem" would simply go away..... in the end, they have only themselves to blame.

Also, how much money are the actual artists who CREATED this content actually getting? (if anyone can answer this, please post it)
I wouldn't BUY a pirated CD. I'd just download the music/movie myself.
How dumb are people?
Gangs are moving into piracy now, as they make more money from that than from drugs.

Interesting really - doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's profit.
Pirates who sell the stuff they download are 1000x worse than pirates that just download stuff for themselves.
ComradeBadger said:
Gangs are moving into piracy now, as they make more money from that than from drugs.

Interesting really - doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's profit.

**imagines Scarface with empty DVD's instead of cocaine**
when you talk about markups. you are talking as if they are selling blank cds. so the majority of your thinking is invalid. its the intellectual property on them that is worth the $.
It's not criminal to sell it at whatever cost. They don't force you to buy it.
Pesmerga said:
It's not criminal to sell it at whatever cost.
Erm... yah it is. Since you can get the real thing for equal or slightly higher cost. And games will actually work, unlike most burns.
WhiteZero said:
Erm... yah it is. Since you can get the real thing for equal or slightly higher cost. And games will actually work, unlike most burns.

It's not criminal to sell anything at any cost if you've got the legal rights the sell it.

Hell, it's not criminal to sell a Britney Spears CD album for $600,000 if they really wanted to. Doesn't mean anyone will buy it.
WhiteZero said:
Erm... yah it is. Since you can get the real thing for equal or slightly higher cost. And games will actually work, unlike most burns.
I believe Persmerga meant that its not illegal for the record companies to sell for whatever price they can get. Am I right?

EDIT: Spelling of name, and "^ beat me to it"
spookymooky said:
I believe Persmaga meant that its not illegal for the record companies to sell for whatever price they can get. Am I right?

I think Whitezero just misunderstood you like I did.

I thought you meant:

"It's not illegal to sell the pirated CD's, it depends on teh buyers themselves"
Well it's only 10-20$. Some things have high mark up other things don't. Consumables (think ink for printers) have high margin. Ever go to Best Buy and buy cables? USB cables etc. Ever think how much they are marked up? So anyone who sells that stuff with high margin is borderline criminal?
Asus said:
Well it's only 10-20$. Some things have high mark up other things don't. Consumables (think ink for printers) have high margin. Ever go to Best Buy and buy cables? USB cables etc. Ever think how much they are marked up? So anyone who sells that stuff with high margin is borderline criminal?

Oh you don't even wanna know how much cables and things like that are marked up. For example a wiring harness for a car sells for about 14 dollars. With employee discount, we pay 1.50$.....
You have to remember that when you buy a CD/DVD a large percentage of that goes back to the people who originally made the movie/song. The rest goes to the company that produced the CD/DVD. It doesn't matter a whole lot what wholesale is, they still have to pay for labor and make a profit to stay in business.
mindless_moder said:
isnt it wrong to talk about warez under any context ?
No, we can talk about it, as long as we don't link or show warez. It's like talking about racism : You can talk about it, just don't go around doing it or supporting it.
yes, it IS our choice to buy the music and videos and whatever... BUT- if this music was sold at a reasonable price by some rich guy who didn't care about profit.. made a whole business burning CDs and DVDs legally, all the new and old movies and sold them at 5 dollars and STILL made a bit of profit... i doubt the Big Five record labels would like it too much when he reports his sales and shows they don't NEED to charge 15 and 25 dollars a CD or DVD. In the 80's CDs were new, and were about 17-18 dollars. The companies assured the public prices would go down... i don't see much difference in price, do you?