Pirate Game - It's Sweet.


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
First off, I'd like to say Pirates! sucks (to me, anyways).

Ok, so I had this game called Tropico for a few years now, and in the box I bought, it came with the first game and it's expansion (Tropico and Tropico: Paradise Island), and a game very, very similar (with a pirate theme) call Tropico 2: Pirate Cove. I never really played it, my brother bought it to play Tropico 1 (for some reason he thought it looked fun, but he doesn't play RTSs, he plays FPSs, so he gave up on it as soon as he started playing), and just a few days ago I was cleaning up, and I found it laying around, so I installed both games, and Tropico 1 was boring as hell, and then I tried Tropico 2: Pirate Cove, and it was fun as hell.. It's basically the same game, I have no idea why I like it, and not #1, but whatever. #2 is fun. TRY IT.

It is freakin awesome.


If you need a Pirate fix - Play this game.

Only drawback is that you can't have sword fights or use guns yourself, but you can send out your crews and stuff to invade, kidnap, pillage, plunder, etc, etc. This game is so deep, for example, first when you start you order an edict for a new captain (who you must build a house for, and keep happy), then after a while you build a ship, give the captain a crew, and order them to kidnap someone, after about 5 years (game time), you demand ransom, and boom. Your rich. Or instead of ransoming, you order them to board another ship, and here is where you get a few things: Plunder (money) and Captives (slaves/workers) (captives potentially worth alot, ransom-wise). Seriously - Pirate fans should try this game.

It requires alot of micromanaging, however, so be warned.
I remember playing the demo quite a few years ago, I hated it... but then again I've started playing a lot of games that I used to hate and finding out that they're actually really good.

But since you said Pirates! sucks, you lost all credibility.
I own it, or did till I lost it. Really fun game, and I wouldn't mind playing it again.
@ Lucid - Yes, but I said it sucks TO ME, I even bolded the TO ME. I dunno, it just wasn't my type of game I suppose. In fact, this is the only pirate game I like. Sometimes I create a pirate character in Morrowind, but it isn't the same as a purely pirate game. With mods a pirate can be good, though..
I have Tropico and still play it frequently the game is AWESOME, it's like Sim City but so much more detail and a much easier and nicer economy/political spin to it but as soon as you get Tourists on the Island you are filthy rich, lol. Sticking with banana implantations makes it fun.

I tried the Pirate one and didn't like it at all, the graphics looked worse to me??? I might try it again though. But defiantly try the original it kicks ass.
That's understandable.

I'll definitely re-check this game out though.

Sounds interesting.
I hated the pirate one at first (played it right after my brother bought and discarded the game), then I uninstalled, and then it was lost until I just found it, it's alot more fun when you learn it a bit. The reason I didn't like it is because it was too hard. Spend atleast a half-hour learning the game, and it's alot better.
That's understandable.
Is that a response to my post?
I prefer Tropico (original) just because of the Communist/Dictator/Capatilist and other political spins and corrupt things you can do, I enjoy creating a Military Law island and just killing people and fighting rebels.

Then again, you can do the opposite and farm, trade and commerce. It's very cool.

I will give the Pirate one another shot though.
lol yea, I remember ordering an assassination on everyone who ran against me in an election. THIS IS NOT A DEMOCRACY. THIS IS A DICATORSHIP!