Pirates of the Burning Sea... Coming soon on STEAM.

Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
I dunno how new this news is, but this game, called Pirates of the Burning Sea, is going to be released on VALVe's Steam network sometime early this year...

Interesting, eh?

Are VALVe looking to push the idea of being publisher-independent?
I don't pay money anyway. I just want to buy the game goddamnit!
yea.. i really carnt imagen people paying the monthly thing it just dont make ne sence, mayb you wont be able to play mods online if you only have HL2 retail? i dunno it must have some advantage
Um.. Mr.Chimp most MMO/MMORPG's today are 13$-15$... :x If you really like the MMO/RPG then its worth the 10-15 a month.. Its almost the same price as going to a movie + soda and maybe a snack.., except you get to play all month *shrug*
10$ a month is fine... for the first five months... as long as the actual game itself is free and it's free from the sixth month on...
i think you're all forgetting that one payment option on steam, is going to be $10 a month and you get all products released by steam. this will be an excuse to get the pay monthly option of hl2.
ray_MAN said:
I don't pay money anyway. I just want to buy the game goddamnit!
Where I come from, we have to pay *money* to buy games. :dork:
Where you come from, you have jobs.:DI am 13, damnit!:| And my dad only buys stuff he'll play. :|That God he is into Far Cry. :D
Well, I'm kinda spoiled too, but, Atleast I buy my own games, sure, they're not hard-earned money but wtf :D

*Smooches his monthly income of 100 USD*

and then ofcourse, since I'm evil, I always manage to beg out another 100 from my parents XD
Zakat said:
ray_MAN, You mean you're spoiled?:P
Far from it. Like I said, my dad only helps buy stuff he'll play too(not much). That means I have to buy DooM 3, STALKER, UT2004, and SC: PT all by myslef. And with an income of $4 a week, it is very hard to purchase games at the retail price. (an sometimes sale price) :|
4 United States Dollars a month?O_O;;;

Guys, how'bout we start he "Get ray_MAn a higher income" fund?:\
pffftt, when i was 13, i wasnt getting any money of any kind, apart from lunch money, which, you know.... i used to buy lunch :P
Well, I don't have to pay insurance on my car but that will quickly change if I don't get a job. >only $630 in the bank!< I know this amount of money may seem daunting to youngins...but it's not! lol. I'm looking to buy a pump shotgun (and no, I use it for trap, I'm not some gun fanatic) I have picked up trap and skeet shooting and have found it very enjoyable. (better than paintball, my opnion) But the cost is $408 and add that with the cost of the gun liscense and the various games I wish to but = tight! Oh well, I'm done ranting about my financial "troubles" I guess a job is the only way out!
crushenator 500 said:
pffftt, when i was 13, i wasnt getting any money of any kind, apart from lunch money, which, you know.... i used to buy lunch :P
Tsss, you should have refrained from your lunch and saved the money to buy the great games of the future.
A MMORPG pirate game which is going to be released on VALVe's Steam network.

This thread has gone rather off topic, methinks...
honestly... I fell asleep while playing galaxies beta...

sorry its just my mousepad started looking like a bed and my monitor just showed some wookies danceing..
You buy one MMO and thats it your money is gone there is no variety in your life it is all going down the drain from there you will be stuck with the one game, Try seeing how fast you go broke if you buy ultima, EQ, and WOW and then pay your cable bill.

If your supporting these companies and feeding them money pretty soon all game companies will turn this way and you will be forced to make a decision and that will be the one game of your life.

Right now the market is open and there is variety games that dont cost a monthly fee but some day you will all be sorry for ever having supported the MMO monsters. And if you havent noticed the MMO games have been increasing in number.

Thats the worst fear for a gamer when the games cost so much and your collection is so small. Plz dont support those games even when ppl say its only a small price because in ten yrs from now thats all that will be on the market and you will have such a small collection.
Dark Angel said:
<Long Post>
No dude, that isn't going to happen. There will always be SP games and regular MP games.
There is no way that MMO's will completely take over the market. No way.
Im glade your sure about that makes me feel all warm and secure now, but i just hate em they seem to be growing in number and that makes me sad.

My experences was i owned ultima and EQ then started getting into EQ even more and they get you with another expansion then another ect so you pay to play and ever few months you buy a new expansion its just horrible !!!