Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II Beta 2


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Since it's original public release in January of 2007, Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II has been one of the most popular and innovative independent games using the Source game engine. The response to the release of PVKII has been largely positive, but the number one thing that gamers want is "more". Beta II addresses this issue with the addition of three entirely new playable character classes, a host of new weapons that adds more variety and a greater sense of intensity, chaos, and fun to combat.[br]

For screenshots and more info about the new classes Click Me !
For a moment I thought this was the revealing.

It isn't, right?
Quality mod, Pirates are the greatest class EVAR!
Also worth a look is the video further down the page - death to mellons.
I like the changes made. Arc = awesome.
Looks like they're progressing well - I hope they find a mapper.
V-Man's Opinion on PVK

As I've said I've never palyed that many mods, and I don't plan on playing many more, but I have to say Pirates Vikings and Knights is looking pretty cool!
I might download it when I have some free time.
I never really liked it.

-ready to be burned-