Pitchford a traitor??


May 23, 2003
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Randy Picthford, head of Gearbox who brought us the excellent Opposing Force and the not so excellent but fun Blue Shift, is now heading up the pc port (if you want to call it that) of Halo. They just did an interview with him on IGN and i though this was interesting...

IGNPC: Are there any worries about the timing of Halo PC in the face of an onslaught of high powered first-person shooters set to arrive by year's end?

Randy Pitchford: We tend to not think about competition that way. We're all pretty much looking forward to a great end of the year for PC games. Gamers like me will play anything that's worthy -- Halo is so worthy! Bungie kicked ass making this game and we're really proud to be able to bring it to PC players. Halo's probably going to be the first one of the big shooters to come out this year and it's the only one I know of that's really exciting when thinking about the online possibilities

What a ****ing bastard! I mean seriously why cant Gearbox make their own ORIGINAL game instead of ****ing with other peoples. Seriously have they ever made a game that wasnt related to someone elses? Not that it was a direct insult to HL2 but it did piss me off as HL's multiplayer has always been awsome, and hell there multiplayer is only 16 PEOPLE. What a ****er.
Well I have now lost alot of faith in Gearbox. I used to like them but now im not so sure. Of course its all just about marketing, hes not going to say that Halo for the PC will not do well compared to HL2. I agree however, Randy Picthford is being a big green floating turd.

Course im still going to buy Halo for the PC, but I will support Valve much more than Gearbox.
Maybe Pitchford knows more than you about the HL2 multiplayer components?

Maybe he's being smart and talking up a product that will keep his company in business?

I know most of you are about 14, but there's still a lot to be said for acting like an adult.
I think we should all calm ourselves down by having a good laugh at Doom3's new prospected released date of March 2004.


Whats with the fanboyism? - this isn't a console, you know. We can play all the game if we want.
More than likely, since he doesn't work at Valve, Pitchford has no clue what HL2's multiplayer will be, just like us. Oh and he has to support the game he's working on too, dumbasses. :rolleyes:
Funny thing, Gearbox is too lazy to put co-op into Halo PC... Amazing, isn't? I mean it was the only reason why Halo became so popular on X-box in the first place.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Funny thing, Gearbox is too lazy to put co-op into Halo PC... Amazing, isn't? I mean it was the only reason why Halo became so popular on X-box in the first place.

Halo had amazing graphics for a first generation xbox game. I think now the graphics are a little dated though even though gearbox completely rewrote the graphics engine for halo. It looks a lot like planetside but doesn't look to be nearly as fun. Also they said that Gearbox built mp maps based on people's experiences with xbox mp but I believe that PC multiplayer has completely different dynamics than console multiplayer FPS games so I doubt the new multiplayer maps will be all that good.

To be honest with you I wasn't very impressed with opposing force when it came out. It was really hyped and I bought it the first day it came out. I cleared the game in six hours, tried out the muliplayer and returned it back to the store claiming it had a defect.
There seems to be an interesting story (and a Valve-Gearbox-Microsoft love triangle) behind why Gearbox was dropped as the developer of Condition Zero; why Gearbox was chosen to develop the PC port of Halo; and whether or not HL2 will be released for X-Box.

Still, Gearbox have never impressed me much as a company. This episode hasn't changed things. Heck, they're from Texas, to boot. Time to burn some Dixie Chicks albums.
I expect Gearbox would add that feature if they could. It's never laziness that removes features from games. It's probably a financial/production/technological decision.
*Throws sis's dixie chicks cd into the pile, pulls out a match, strike on his pubes (lol) and throws the lit match into the pile* Burn! NOW WE MUST START AN ANTI DIXIE CHICKS BAND CALLED CHIXIE DICKS! AHAHAHAHAHA!

I am looking forward to halo but i dont know if ill buy it, ill try to burn it or download it from kazaa if its posible
**** this guy, lemme get my uncles 50 cal out >=D
Originally posted by Llevar
Halo had amazing graphics for a first generation xbox game. I think now the graphics are a little dated though even though gearbox completely rewrote the graphics engine for halo. It looks a lot like planetside but doesn't look to be nearly as fun. Also they said that Gearbox built mp maps based on people's experiences with xbox mp but I believe that PC multiplayer has completely different dynamics than console multiplayer FPS games so I doubt the new multiplayer maps will be all that good.

To be honest with you I wasn't very impressed with opposing force when it came out. It was really hyped and I bought it the first day it came out. I cleared the game in six hours, tried out the muliplayer and returned it back to the store claiming it had a defect.

YES. Single handidly helping to raise software costs one game at a time!!!! GOOD JOB BROTHER.

Seriously , you realize that everytime you pirate software or return non-faulty software you raise the price because companies have to compensate to stay in business. But youll still complain if prices go up at all. GG you.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
YES. Single handidly helping to raise software costs one game at a time!!!! GOOD JOB BROTHER.

Seriously , you realize that everytime you pirate software or return non-faulty software you raise the price because companies have to compensate to stay in business. But youll still complain if prices go up at all. GG you.

Did you hear me complain? The point is if I buy something that I don't think is worth my money I will return it. I have to work for a living and don't have an extra $50 to spend on a game that I play for a day. Smart companies deal with unsold software by making better games not raising the price of their shitty games.
Uh, I think you all are getting WAY too excited about this. HL2 has yet to announce any particular sort of MP, so why would Randy be able to take that into account when thinking about the other games coming out? All the people who are interpreting this as some sort fo slam against HL2 are just out of their heads. He doesn't even mention it.
Originally posted by SirMcNugget
16 player networked Halo on xbox is really really really awesome.

X-Box screws people yet again! They charge for this LAN PARTY thing and who in their mind would buy the remote and reciever for the dvd player ALREADY IN the x-box????? Microsoft is after you!
Maby like in StarWars! Gordon fins a rope-harpun gun and run around his legs and the big ****er falls down! :D
Give Me A Break!!!

Randy doesn't work for VALVe, and neither do any of you. So none
of us really know much about HL2 multiplayer right now.

I can't stand fanboy idiots that act like no other game exists.

The number one game on my list this year is Half-Life 2, but it's
not the ONLY game I'm looking forward to. I plan on buying both
Halo and Deus Ex 2 this year. ( Maybe Doom III if the story is half
decent. )

They charge for this LAN PARTY thing

What are you talking about? All you need is a standard network cable... Also whats up with all the hate, the guy says that his game's multiplayer will be cool and everyone complains his company has no new ideas. Why dont you go complain to gabe for likeing Mario 64. Also I like the new zelda, xbox is cool, gamecube is cool, and I payed for the remote for my xbox. Bitch about it.
what, you expect him to mention better games?

hes trying to sell his game, so he says its the best. simple as that.
Originally posted by DimitriPopov
Originally posted by Llevar
Halo had amazing graphics for a first generation xbox game. I think now the graphics are a little dated though even though gearbox completely rewrote the graphics engine for halo. It looks a lot like planetside but doesn't look to be nearly as fun. Also they said that Gearbox built mp maps based on people's experiences with xbox mp but I believe that PC multiplayer has completely different dynamics than console multiplayer FPS games so I doubt the new multiplayer maps will be all that good.

To be honest with you I wasn't very impressed with opposing force when it came out. It was really hyped and I bought it the first day it came out. I cleared the game in six hours, tried out the muliplayer and returned it back to the store claiming it had a defect.

YES. Single handidly helping to raise software costs one game at a time!!!! GOOD JOB BROTHER.

Seriously , you realize that everytime you pirate software or return non-faulty software you raise the price because companies have to compensate to stay in business. But youll still complain if prices go up at all. GG you.

by the time the consumer is buying the software the publisher already has the cash for the game (reason its on the shelf) and if it gets to a point where you return the game the next day cuz it sucked I dont think the devs/publishers deserve much cash anyways, mind you, you have to make a living.
Even if Half-Life 2 ships with Vanilla Deathmatch (which it probably wont, considering the tight lid Valve is keeping on multiplayer), the game will still have mods.

So I don't see how Half-Life 2 is in any sort of danger in regards to multiplayer.
halo will be excellent both single and multi. but not like HL2 never.

to sum the shit both games will have diffrent graphics, gameplay and weapons. so I will buy both and play both whatsoever.
Ya you have to pay a monthly fee for x-box live. So on top of paying a fee to connect to the internet, you have to pay a fee to play over the internet.
Mulinator Halo will come up on PC and its free to play online. am i right?
The point is if I buy something that I don't think is worth my money I will return it.

Yeah, but people like you very often decide that nothing is worth their money, or just because they subjectively don't like a game, they deserve their money back, or even if they suck at it, they deserve their money back. Pretty soon they start deserving everything they decide they want.
mmm, I have been waiting Halo for two years now, but still HL2 multiplayer will be special
Originally posted by Apos
Yeah, but people like you very often decide that nothing is worth their money, or just because they subjectively don't like a game, they deserve their money back, or even if they suck at it, they deserve their money back. Pretty soon they start deserving everything they decide they want.

Define "people like you" if you will.

I can't objectively dislike a game, afterall I'm only me and noone else. When I spend MY money it's about whether I like the game or not, it's purely subjective. Afterall I can't think that they deserve my money because someone else might like the game.