As if Plan of Attack hasn't expanded enough already, the PoA community devised a plan that will involve the more skilled PoA players. The plan is much like #findpug on .[br]
So what are you waiting for? Jump in the excitement and show them n00bs how to play Plan of Attack!
[Laugh, I cannot believe I just said n00b- Gothax?]
The Plan of Attack Fight Nights will start Saturday at 6 PM GMT for
the European community, and 6 PM EDT for the Americans. Meet up in IRC
(#poapug on or the Pick Up Games forum (http:// to look for matches
and other players. Dedicated community managers will help you find an
organized game to join. Private game servers will be available
throughout the world.
So what are you waiting for? Jump in the excitement and show them n00bs how to play Plan of Attack!
[Laugh, I cannot believe I just said n00b- Gothax?]