Plan of Attack mod being developed by new team


Jun 12, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys, I'm Wildfire. Those of you who have visited the Plan of Attack site may recognize me as a forum moderator there.

Recently, the official Plan of Attack team announced it was likely they would no longer be working on their mod, so they released the mod's source code and art assets free for anyone to use. More info about that can be found here:

Like any good group of fans would, members of the PoA community have stepped up to the task of using this available source code to overhaul the game. Our goal is to preserve the mod's unique and entertaining gameplay while fixing its many issues and improving the overall quality.
While we have already assembled an enthusiastic team with members of varying degrees of experience, we are still looking to top this off with one or two more dedicated coders who can help the project get off the ground. We are also searching for a few experienced modelers who are capable of adding some detail to the existing weapon and player models.

Anyone is welcome to help out, so if you're interested please email me (wildfire788[AT]gmail[DOT]com) or register for our current development forums and post (

Coders should expect to be doing a lot of bug fixing and error-solving. Eventually we will be adding small game features (such as Valve's HDR) to the mod.
Everything is good to go: We have a good idea of what we want to do, we've got our own development forums and BaseCamp server set up, and the complete source code is waiting to be edited!

If you're interested in learning more about Plan of Attack or want to download and play the current version, you can visit the official website at

Thanks for taking the time to check this out, if you have any questions or comments, don't hesitate to contact me! -Wild
Wildfire said:
Our goal is to preserve the mod's unique and entertaining gameplay

That's what ruined the mod in the first place...

Good luck though, hope you guys can turn it around!
SixThree said:
That's what ruined the mod in the first place...

Good luck though, hope you guys can turn it around!
the teamplay thing was beyond awesome
the gameplay though sucked really hard

They'd be well advised to completely rethink the whole thing...but if it is existing fans who are doing then it sadly seems unlikely