Plan of defeat.....


Mar 20, 2005
Reaction score
I don't think anyone cares about this game anymore :/ , especially with :sniper: dod:s out.

As you have probably figured, I am trying to find out if anyone plays POA anymore by fanning the flames of this board.
Nope, don't play it anymore. CS is more polished, and the experience system segregated players.
Too slow and clunky for me.
i like it alot
the squad tactics are awesome - the most cohesive team combat experience i have ever seen , bf2 with VoIP not withstanding
the modelling, mapping, texturing are not
The combat isn't so great, so I stopped playing it.
Pfff. If your team consists of idiots, the entire level is over for you because the other team gets XP, cash AND is better than your team. Only way to play it decently is in a clan or two actually decent teams.

So yes, I stopped playing it.
Pfff. If your team consists of idiots, the entire level is over for you because the other team gets XP, cash AND is better than your team. Only way to play it decently is in a clan or two actually decent teams.

So yes, I stopped playing it.

I love the tactics part of the game, capture one objective- bankrupt, another get xp. But the whole attack/defend rounds kind of turned me off. To further it, I don't really care for the weapons. Need more variety.
The weapons don't really feel organic, its more like clicking till something dies.. Where in CS/DOD its almost as if you can feel the kickback and have that, oo look how he suffers...
POA doesn't have it, and the whole attack/defend.. Yeah. If you're losing, you're probably going to lose. The game is determined like by round 2, so it isn't very fun, because most of the time you're either calm about winning or panicking about losing. So when you're losing its just better to stay back and save your guns, and when you're winning its just acts of being *1337*
Basic gameplay:
Team 1- moves to objective
Team 2- runs around the map looking for someone to kill.
Team 1- camps the objective.
Team 2- moves twords the objective from the othere side of the map.
Team 1- camps for 45 seconds-wins.

Now thats very tactical.
Best team based mod there is out there. Because people actualy do what the commander tells them for a change compared to other games.
however the combat sucked bad in beta 4 so i quit