Plan to monitor all internet use


Nov 1, 2004
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So i guess now everyone is guilty until proven innocent, everyone is a suspect of murder and pedophilia, everyone has to sacrifice their privacy and personal integrity. You, your family, your neighbor, your friends, your bus driver, your teachers, your boss, everyone is a suspect of pedophilia which is why we need to monitor EVERYONE....makes perfect a fascist nation. Why aren't the people proposing and voting for this being runned out of office, it is clearly against the majority will of the people, this is no longer democracy, its really moving closer and closer to fascism everyday. Ofcorse, pedophilia and the other "reasons" for this are obviously not the real reasons, but simple excuses to gain more power over the masses.
"Communication service providers (CSPs) will be asked to record internet contacts between people, but not the content, similar to the existing arrangements to log telephone contacts."

Looks like my vast animal pron libary is safe for the time being.
I've been seeing more and more websites using HTTPS for normal traffic. Before they frowned upon it because it takes more CPU utilization, but that is no longer an issue with modern server hardware.
Can you explain to me how HTTPS works Atomic? I've been interested in learning about it for a while, but I know very little about the area.
Looks like all the conspiracy nuts who were all about the whole Echelon thing can come back out of the woodwork.