Planet practice


Nov 17, 2004
Reaction score
Just practicing new techniques i have learnt about planets, Crits please..

Oooh what was it done in? Looks awesome.
Nice work smoke. I like to look at artwork of planets I don't know why it is so appealing to the human eye.
where the light is blooming around the edges of the planet, make a little wrap around, the edge is too sharp right now - otherwise nice ;)
Darth Sidious said:
Nice work smoke. I like to look at artwork of planets I don't know why it is so appealing to the human eye.

Because it`s a space image, and since we really know little about what is out there...combined with the infinite possibilities of such a huge exspanse, anything can be preceived as real when depicted as " a space image"

It`s truly random, yet something about the variety of planets is always pleasing to look at because somewhere it might be real.

I don't know. Looks to round to me :cheese:

CrazyHarij said:
here's a space pic i made a looong time ago..

it's rather lifeless but i had tons of fun making it. i think space pictures are very mind expanding.

here's a damn good space artist..
This guy too, plus the fact that he paints his environments:
**** he's good, boomarked.
Greg Martin owns, I got some ideas from him a while back.
Looks good so far but can you extend the stars in the background. They are in a box around the planet that does not look very appealing. It looks good as a desktop background but extending the stars and having a 1280x1024 version would make it even better!
I'm not feeling the ring so much at this stage, but a small, rocky, irregular moon would be sweet.
The stars are just leftover from when i moved the document into the right size background, and resized, i`ll get rid of those.
I like it more know, but the edges are still to sharp. And a colorfull nebula behind wouldn't hurt either to create some atmosphere.
Nice @ the planet but whats with the little box around it with stars? Makes it look weird and out of place.