Planetside 2 "coming soon"


Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score
It's a countdown timer to the announcement of Planetside 2.

Also, apparently Planetside-Universe looked through the site's code and found this:
"PlanetSide 2 is the only first person shooter that delivers truly epic, massive combat on a scale never before seen in stunning, breathtaking detail. Be a part of explosive action in a futuristic world with forces ranging from tactical squads to thousand player armies all taking place in real-time on enormous open-world continents."

If this seems dubious to you at all then you should know that the president of SOE pretty much confirmed that Planetside 2 would be announced soon on Twitter.!/j_smedley
never played the first but I always knew a friend here and there that would rave about it. remember Huxley?? that would have been fun too but stuff like these seem to fall apart or get forgotten these days so I'm crossing my fingers it sticks
I love Planetside. Everytime I look back at it I wonder why I didn't keep playing it. Of course I know the reason... it's not consistently fun. Often times you're in a 100% lose situation or on the rolling side of a steamroller... so you can't do much. Other times you're trying to do something that no one else seems interested in doing - like defending a tower or trying a tactic to drive out the enemy - and then you end up dead and unhappy. But the reason I love it are those moments where it's utterly intense. No other game ever managed to capture that feeling of dozens or sometimes hundreds of people battling against one another on the ground and in the air through forests and hills and in and around the many bases.

But yeah... all that aside, I will pretty much be guaranteed to try it.
I loved the concept of Planetside, but sadly never got to try it. Hoping this will turn out good
I love Planetside, but... SOE.
I loved the premise of planetside, but the execution of it really left a lot to be desired. For example, firing from the turrets of a gunship. There was no stabilization or anything which was supremely annoying.

I do have high hopes for planetside 2.
Looks good but nothing groundbreaking anywhere. Planetside's strong points were those situations that just sort of manifested. I guess it would be hard to create a trailer demonstrating that.
I played Planetside for a bit. I have to agree with it being either really, really fun or absolutely horrible with very little in between. My gaming rig at the time could just barely play it with low level graphics and a bit of lag and I think that might have had a lot to do with my lack of enjoyment at times. A new rig and a clan with voice coms would have made this a much better experience for me.
I am so stoked that this is happening. I loved the first game, at least until Core Combat came out and BFR's and everything changed. It's still fun to play but there's low server pops now. I heard this is also going to be on PS3.
The trailer looked fun but the animation seemed rigid and the sameness in player-models seems firmly intact. I hope those aspects get fixed. The incoming air power at the end was a nice touch.

I don't wish ill on this game just because it's SOE, I just won't even get my hopes up for an SOE game again until a product has been launched for at least a month with little qualms.