Play Anarchy Online FREE until 2006!


May 8, 2004
Reaction score
Have you ever wanted to be a part of an MMORPG, but didn't have the wallet to pay $10-15 a month? Well then, look no further!,_No_Monthly

I won't go into detail about the game, as that is what the official site is for. I'm downloading the client as you read this, so I can't tell you how good or bad it is. According to the game's site, it's supposed to have features no other MMORPGs have. I watched a trailer, and for a now-free game, the grahpics aren't bad at all. The system requirements aren't harsh either. If you're bored with Valve games and don't have any console games to have fun with, try this out. IT'S FREE PEOPLE!
Yeah its pretty old news. But I'm buying WOW on Friday so its no big deal to me anyway.
is there a deal like that for Wow?...
yes...there are a few of us poor gamers who want to try out WoW.
Im sure they'll be a 14 day free at some point, but i doubt it'll come out for a year or so...