Play BF2 and Save your Soul at the same time!


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
now you can too if you play on this clan's server

Men of God International

"We're more than just a gaming clan-we're a full-blown ministry," Parker says. "Right now, everything is online. I'm the commanding officer of the Men of God radio network, for example. We have our own online radio station and expect to have two streams soon." MOG, in fact, offers a wide array of services that circulate through and extend beyond its game portals.
For Parker and MOG, taking the ministry to the network-connected masses is just culture catching up with technology. "If you look at Christian gaming as using the online medium, I see it as just another way to go out there and share the truth of God with everybody else," he says."

overheard statements on the BF2 Men of God server:

"oh nathanial you old scamp could you please eject that first time player from our god-approved server? He mistakenly teamkilled Brother [MoG]Ninjadeathkiller, god bless his soul"

"I'm not following that squad leader, before every decision he has to say to himself "what would jesus do?"

Player 1: "oh look it's mana from heaven"
Player 2: "jesus! does he have to say that every time the Commander does a supply drop?"

disclaimer: no offense to christians everywhere, I'm laughing WITH you not at you
I bet for penance you have to do something real lame like be an engineer for 15 rounds straight.
more things heard on the Men of God Server:

"Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals ... Now did the Lord say, "First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."
^ He~ey... You got that from somewhere... But where?
monty python's the Holy Grail that movie
You'll love their forums, Stern. I found this post:

*Lion-of-Zion* said:
And critics of the Iraq war must either be ignorant to Gods Word or atheist.How could anyone read Romans 13:1 and not realize that God
appointed George Walker Bush.
"Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities.For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God."
God said it, that settles it for me.No wonder John Kerry cried when he lost the election.It's like gettting a pink slip from God.

Remember, these guys are serious.
i see christian servers all the time on cs, but this is a bit different
I shall repent for my sins by winning this match in the name of god!
Found in this thread on praising God for the good ranking of their server.

Adiel said:
Yeah amen! Personally I don't care about ranking points, but I have to say that it brings in the crowds Smile I play on our server exlusively now since there's almost always people there. That said I've not had much time to play lately, but when I have it has been a pleasant experience, and I rarely get through a game without someone asking questions about MoG, christianity, etc Very Happy

Imagine these guys on VOIP:
"Watch it, tank"
"What would Jesus do?"
Pssh... what idiots. Even Anubis knows that Ra is the one true god!

All dissenters shall be sacrificed.
Shakermaker said:
You'll love their forums, Stern. I found this post:

Remember, these guys are serious.

:O ..we'll see about that

/me rolls up sleeves and storms out of room
I played on their demo server, was just like any other server...

Full of kids. :|
Shakermaker said:
Found in this thread on praising God for the good ranking of their server.

Imagine these guys on VOIP:
"Watch it, tank"
"What would Jesus do?"

"What I would like to do is start a subject for witnessing reports. What we can do is come here, share about our experiences in sharing our faith, and ask for prayer for individuals and ourselves as we seek to spread the gospel.

Tonight, I was able to meet Erik on our demo server. Erik inquired about Christ and I invited him to TS or MSN. He chose MSN since his wife was asleep. We chatted and found out that Erik was a Christian, but needed some encouragement in his faith. Praise the Lord, Erik was encouraged! God moved in his life and gave him hope again! Praise the Lord!"


/me backs away slowly
Thats.... weird....

Religion is a societal evil.
"Amen bro. The tools God has given us are powerful tools if we use them. The Demo server is one VERY powerful tool. Our Servers are for His Glory, not ours. So, remember to not just focus on one server, but try to use them all as God leads people to them all."

:O :O
ya it leapt from the irony meter straight to the insanity meter

^ It's like everybody is "LOVE GOD OR I'LL SHOOT YOU IN THE FACE! GRAAAGHH!!!"

Or something.
CptStern said:
:O ..we'll see about that

/me rolls up sleeves and storms out of room
That was my reaction as well.
hmm....i thought this was a joke.
well, Stern you really do find stuff that makes the wacko metre break :P
I've played on a Christian Halo server, but apart from the name I didn't see any Christian propoganda in-game.
These guys would just run around with medic packs handing them out- "that guy's shooting at you! I'll chuck a med pack his way and he might repent himself!"

In BF2 their only weapon might be defibulators- killed with love
Wow, their forums are spooky, someone check out this thread, its shaker! He posts in the wrong forum, but thank god...he is forgiven because he is Jesus' child. Close call eh?
Is no-one else amused by the fact a member of "Men of God" has the very righteous and pure name of ninjadeathkiller?
New Clan for Mormons...... The Stormin Mormons, HAH!
Hectic Glenn said:
Wow, their forums are spooky, someone check out this thread, its shaker! He posts in the wrong forum, but thank god...he is forgiven because he is Jesus' child. Close call eh?

our shakermaker?

hehe they seemed like nice normal guys till someone said this:

"Forgiveness is so easy when Jesus Christ is the one that shows us how to truely forgive as He forgives all His children that repent."


Uriel, that was actually funny :laugh:

Cormeh: it's a biblical name ;)
i think the HL2.NET clan should challenge these assholes! DOWN WITH JESUS ****ERS! alright i admit a bit over the edge but still
ya just a tad, ya think?

they seem perfectly fine ...a little too religious for my tastes but I wouldnt hold that against them
CptStern said:
ya just a tad, ya think?

they seem perfectly fine ...a little too religious for my tastes but I wouldnt hold that against them

well i think we should play could take the Jesus outta them Stern
heh, I'd be too worried that god might smite me on the battlefield for running over one of his faithful with the buggy

it would be kinda funny

our team: "****ing shit where the **** is our supply drop!?!"

their team: "Hallelujah! Praise be to god! the lord in his bountiful wisdom decided to send us blessings in the form of a supply crate, thanks be to Jesus, let us pray ..oh lord we are thankful for this bounty you bring us .."
CptStern said:
heh, I'd be too worried that god might smite me on the battlefield for running over one of his faithful with the buggy

it would be kinda funny

our team: "****ing shit where the **** is our supply drop!?!"

their team: "Hallelujah! Praise be to god! the lord in his bountiful wisdom decided to send us blessings in the form of a supply crate, thanks be to Jesus, let us pray ..oh lord we are thankful for this bounty you bring us .."
while they pray, we shoot the living hell out of them and run screaming "WHERES YOUR GOD NOW BITCHES!" :)
they'll just use the Holy Smoke Gernade of Antioc to mask their prayer