Play PC games on your PS3

We will release a Linux version in Q4 2007 which will enable PC games to be played on the PlayStation 3 and many other devices including DVD players, set top boxes, networked media devices and mobile phones.

seems too good to be true, couldnt I just bring my pc to the living room? ;) or build a media pc?
Bit of hassle taking your pc into the living room, no? I can't be arsed with moving wires and case about.

I doubt this will work that well initially, but it's a sign of things to come. Being stuck in the same room as your pc will seem archaic in a few years.
no but building a media pc would be a great idea ..get rid of every component in your living room and have it all in a small box can even stream to other devices throughout the house

I think this sort of tech is a step towards a unified gaming platform ..wuich will most likely be a networked pc setbox that plays all kinds of media
Yeh, that would be cool. Even if it wasn't a unified gaming system, just something you could plug consoles etc it would make things a whole lot simpler.
I think consoles will be obsolete will dedicated pc gaming machines ..but it will be after a long period of transition (which could mean 5 years as the industry moves so fast) ..the first company to make a set top box and service that plays everything will be able to print their own money ..I think Microsoft realises this and sooner or later they'll do away with physical media and move to strictly online delivery system ..which will eventually allow for set top boxes that act as a go between the user and the service (be it movie, music or game)

but I'm getting ahead of myself ...streaming technology is ok however I just moved my xbox from my tv to next to my pc I'm not the target audience :)
lol - like so many of our gaming brothers, banished to the cupboard under the stairs. Solidarity. I just had a significant victory in this regard with my better half, and have managed to negotiate the tv being moved into the spare room while the lounge becomes a game/cinema paradise free from soaps and diy programs. She gets to decorate 3 rooms and thinks she's won, which makes it all the sweeter!

To get back on topic - the day we can stream all media entertainment into our gaming/movie/music hub and enjoy it anywhere in the house will be awesome in so many ways.
lol - like so many of our gaming brothers, banished to the cupboard under the stairs. Solidarity. I just had a significant victory in this regard with my better half, and have managed to negotiate the tv being moved into the spare room while the lounge becomes a game/cinema paradise free from soaps and diy programs. She gets to decorate 3 rooms and thinks she's won, which makes it all the sweeter!

till you wake one morning to room full of wall papered pink daffodils, lace cutains and cherubs with teacups in their dainty little hands ..or at least that's what i would do to torture you were I your better half ;)

I get to decorate my house (my wife knows I have a better eye for colour being a designer and all) ..probably why my pc/console is in the basement ;(

To get back on topic - the day we can stream all media entertainment into our gaming/movie/music hub and enjoy it anywhere in the house will be awesome in so many ways.

ineed, saving the world while taking a dump = win win
So where do you sit with your mouse and keyboard? I don't think most TVs are sitting on a desk!
Um, with my ...


A good point tho. Some kind of portable desk/tray thing might work, but wouldn't be ideal. In the future we won't be using a mouse and keyboard anyways! 'Remember when we used a keyboard to move about in video games? lol'
so is just a stuff for lazy people that means that you can play games on the PC and the image streamed trough he ps3 to the tv?
Yup, or another monitor or laptop. Girlfriend on the pc, stream games to your laptop. Want to play Crysis on your big tv, stream it to your PS3.
That sounds great in theory. Can't wait to see it in action, though!