Play snake on Youtube


Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
Don't know how widely known this is, but I just found it out. Play any video on youtube and pause it. Hold down the left and up arrows on your numpad (make sure numlock is off). You are now playing snake.
Doesnt work for me. You sure its the 4 and 8 keys? I had numlock off and held it for like 2 minutes and nothing happened.

EDIT: Oh, it worked when I paused the video, and just held the left arrow key (not the numpad one).

EDIT2: Also it has to be a video in the "gaming" category. And it can't be embedded. And the video may, or may not have to be fully loaded to work. Click the link for this one and try it.

EDIT3: **** it, I can't get it to work consistently.
Oh ok it only works on the new player, not the old one...

This leads me to once again question why not all of the videos on youtube have the same player....
Ah, you also have to have Flash in focus, hence pausing it will make it work.
It's that version where the walls are solid instead of bringing you to the other side of the screen :|
This leads me to once again question why not all of the videos on youtube have the same player....
Because the videos would have to be re-encoded and uploaded. Old videos keep the old player, new videos get the new player.
It's not hard :P.
Except the player has changed multiple times before and they updated all the older videos use it. Also I'm sure I've seen a few newly uploaded videos that use the old player...
Gave up after a few tries and my numb lock is left off... tio tired to get to that end of kb