Player names not showing correctly


Dec 1, 2004
Reaction score
Hi all. Since the last Steam update, I've had the strangest problem. While playing, I notice that the player names between the scoreboard and kill messages are sometimes different from what shows on the radio and chat boxes (although, the majority of the time, those are ****ed, too). The names often doubled for more than one player, too (ie. two players named "Someone"). What's odd is it isn't completely random, just wrong.

Anyone else heard of anything like this? It's pretty wierd, and I have no idea what could be causing it.

Help appreciated, thanks.
I don't have problems like that, but one new problem that appeared is that sometimes certain player names are completly obliterated from the scoreboard, thus the poor person isn't scoring.
Got the same problem, posted it in the official steam forums, looks like others are having the same probs.
X-FacToR, which problem were you referring to? I'll go check the Steam forums and see what I can find.

EDIT: I can't seem to get to them, the forums are down.
Yeah, the scoreboard is fecked. Hopefully it'll be resolved as soon as possible.
3 cheers for valve for f*cking up the game more.
LOL I'm showed as Sandman alot lately. I NEVER used that name and I NEVER saw someone with that name lol.
Ah, so it isn't something I'VE done, after all. Well, I guess that's a good thing.
Yeah the last update messed stuff up. I noticed a few new bugs like it showing wrong names in the console for damage given/taken and on the map overview and also being killed by an enemy whos name was messed up and it saying he killed a teammate then asking what i wanna do to punish him.....
Milkman said:
3 cheers for valve for f*cking up the game more.
Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray!

I swear dude, these updates get more & more friviolous each time & if they screw with it anymore for this stupid stuff I'm just going to stop playing.
lol, they still havn't fixed the CT's arms. Although I must admit, it's probably the last thing on their minds.
I and a friend was playing on a server and after a while he got someone else's name.
Vorac1ous said:
Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray! Hip hip, hooray!

I swear dude, these updates get more & more friviolous each time & if they screw with it anymore for this stupid stuff I'm just going to stop playing.
For some that's considered a good thing :stare:
I noticed a couple of things before.

Firstly, I was killed about 3 times, but my deaths were still on 1.

Also, I've had problems changing maps both through mani and using rcon commands. For example I try and change the map to dust2 but it puts cbble on.
Yea, I am also having this problem. I am personally getting sick of CS:S.
Guys if you get the problem with player names not displaying correctly then a short term fix till they fix this is to press the windows key on the keyboard, then go back into game and the player names will fixed.

good hey
got it too on the clanserver im trialling with,people keep telling me my chat messsages come up as different people who are ranked,i notice it with others too
I probally have the same problem but I wouldnt know because I havent played CS:S in like a month. Ive been playing Sven Coop all day. Ill try it out when I get a new mouse.
W00t they fixed it with t3h new update!! w000!
