Playstation 3 release titles?


Aug 1, 2003
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I was wondering if anyone knew any information about release titles. I have already pre ordered by PS3 which was only £20 from Gamestation. I'm pritty much garanteed to get one as I was the 5th person to do so from Gamestation. But now comes the hard time of deciding to actually get it. Yes I pre ordered it but if there are no good release titles there is no point buying it. Some people may say its a waste of money but tbh I would rather have a chance of waisting £20 then having to wait until way after christmas to actually get one.

Anyway back to the topic, anyone know what release titles are confirmed? If any :(
I never understood why people would buy a console at launch. Just out of curiosity did you get the $500 or $600 one?

Anyway, there isn't an official list or anything yet. You can expect the normal EA games like Madden and Fight Night. Maybe some 360 ports and versions of current generation games. Maybe some actual high quality games like Heavenly Sword too. No one knows exactly what the full release list is yet.
Well, I pre ordered the day after e3 released the news so the guy at the desk didn't know much. All they did know that it was gunna cost £420 would be black and would be the high end version as the lower cost version will not be sold in Europe.
Wow, didn't know any reputable outfits were taking pre-orders until September/October. Final numbers for the console aren't anywhere near solidified yet!

Anyway, its impossible what to say what will be out for release or for the launch window for that matter. At best what you will get here is speculation, but no firm answers yet I am afraid.

Well, the issue has been cleared up a bit by Sega of America's VP of Marketing, Scott Steinberg:

"We've got Sonic the Hedgehog in its original naming convention… It'll be a launch title for the PS3. We have Full Auto 2: Battlelines, that's shipping with the launch of the PS3. Then Virtua Fighter 5 will be in March."

Its not much, but its a start. Third party support is going to be as crucial as ever this time around, esp. if they want this thing to fly off the shelves at launch.
VictimOfScience said:
esp. if they want this thing to fly off the shelves at launch.

and at a price of $800 bucks or whatever....its going to have a hard time doing that.......
Riiidge Racer!

considering that it's already out on 360, it'll prolly be out on ps3 at launch.

Oh yeah, wasn't Vision Gran Turismo supposed to be a launch title? It's only a port of GT4 with a few changes and hi res, but that's about it. It's not supposed to be next gen. GT5 should be next gen.
hungryduck said:
and at a price of $800 bucks or whatever....its going to have a hard time doing that.......
It all depends on the lineup, but most people know that it won't have the necessary games right at launch, but boy will it get them in '07--just like the Wii and the 360--so waiting for a price drop is just common sense!!!
PS3 is gonna FAIL

And no, it isn't my fanboyism for either of the other 2 consoles, because I already own a PC and can't be bothered
Dalamari said:
PS3 is gonna FAIL
Man, Sony should've hired you as a consultant before they invested so much into the R&D of this thing. Come to think of it, Bush should've hired you to warn him of an insurgency in Iraq and maybe Kennedy shoud've hired you so you could tell him not to go for an open-air ride in Dallas. Predictions like this make my ass twitch....

oh wait I'm not getting payed to take it off there hands.....

^ lol..

i'm going to get one quite some time after it launches when [if] there are good games, hardware problems, their 'live' system is known to work and be decent.. and so on; oh yeah, price coming down is a major factor.
Well, I only own a Xbox360 because I'm waiting for Gears of War, its kinda the same with the PS3. I want FFXIII, MGS4, Resident Evil 4, Alone in the Dark, Sonic and some others... I'm also buying a Wii on release because I know it will simply be amazing :D
Hey IchI, aren't you part of the Sven Coop 2 development team? Or did you quit?
Insano said:
Hey IchI, aren't you part of the Sven Coop 2 development team? Or did you quit?

I was but I believe that most of the development team members went there seperate ways. I'm not quite sure what remains...
There's one launch game, can't remember the name, that has this big crab and massive ****ing damage on his weak spot. Hell yeah!
Warbie said:
There's one launch game, can't remember the name, that has this big crab and massive ****ing damage on his weak spot. Hell yeah!
with -real time- changing weapons ? i'm telling ya, this cell thingy is awesome.
destrukt said:
with -real time- changing weapons ? i'm telling ya, this cell thingy is awesome.
Yeah, that was horrible. It looked like it played for 5h1t too.

Here's hoping the TGS 2006 will bring us all some MUCH better PS3 material and some even cooler Wii material!!! :thumbs:
According to Wikipedia, these are a few of the release titles for the PS3.

Resistance: Fall of Man
Massive Damage 2 : Revenge of the Crabs
Formula One 2006
Full Auto 2: Battlelines
Tony Hawk Project 8
Call of Duty 3
Sonic the Hedgehog
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas
Need for Speed: Carbon
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007
Warhawk looks like a really good game. At first I wasn't that impressed because I thought it was just another air combat game, but then I learned that it has a slew of ground vehicles and an on foot shooting mechanic. Even if the ground segments aren't quite as polished as the air segments, it should still allow for a lot of diversity and a pretty fun game.

Resistance will also probably be very good, since Insomniac makes great shooters.

Apart from that there's Heavenly Sword, but I don't know if it's a launch title. Regardles it looks like a good action game.

Those are all the first party titles that I care about, but there's also some good third party titles too. Even though people keep bitching it still looks like a pretty solid launch lineup.