Playstation controller to PC?


May 17, 2003
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Is there a cable that has usb at one end and can plug into a ps2 controller? Its just I dont want to fork out loads of money for a decent controller and I dont want to play racing games with keys or buy a wheel. Also I have an Xbox so i could use that controoler also. Know any sites that sell these? (BRITISH PREFERABLY, I do live in the UK)
Yea there is a way but the site that has the info seems to be down (or atleast it wont open for me). Heres the site
go there and on the bottom left side they have some tutorial or something on how to get your ps2 controller to work on your pc. So just look around on there. So which racing games you gonna get?
Cheers guys. Much appreciated. Probably gonna get a NASCAR game or two. *me loves NASCAR*
What about ps1 controllers?

I expect they would be the same right?
It's backwards compatible. The standard is the same, it's the drivers that matter.

Don't expect to be able to use dance pads on all models.