PLEASE bring the old bulletholes back !


Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
the new bulletholes (stone,wood) are very bad :x

please send this in the bug report !
I haven't played CS:S since the update so I can't comment. In fact I'll give it a bash now!
hmm lets see what do i like more, realistic looking bullet holes or black dots.....yeah lets bring back the old generic black dots. i suggest you get a new computer if you think the new bullet holes are very bad cuz you're obviously playing on a geforce2 card.
John Romero said:
hmm lets see what do i like more, realistic looking bullet holes or black dots.....yeah lets bring back the old generic black dots. i suggest you get a new computer if you think the new bullet holes are very bad cuz you're obviously playing on a geforce2 card.

lol yep correct
please dont complain about graphics when your hardware is old...thats just :dozey:
Yeah i like the old ones better because the new ones are small, they look awsome just too small, i think they should have 4 different bullet sizes

Small-5.56 (.223 cal), and 5.7mm(.245 cal) bullets (there very close in size)

Medium- 7.62 (.32 cal)

Bigger-9mm (.38 cal.)

Biggest .45 and .50 express

PS i dont like the new dual tone dualies either, and all the mm to caliber conversions are correct except for the 5.7mm-.245 which might be a bit off, the rest are for sure though
I want the old metal bullet hole decals back. The new ones look like little pimples. Terrible!

I made a complain in the bug tool inside of Source.
dont normally reply to posts but i agree please Valve bring back the old bullet holes the new ones on metal are pants compared to the old =/, if its somthing to do with performance then by all means leave it, but if not for the love of god bring the old ones back =D
I dont think anyone cares what you like.

The mass opinion is they are fine; buy the game (when its out) and mod it yourself.
the old ones look cool but are a little big... maybe if they resized the old ones to be just a tiny bit smaller then it would be awesome...

I say keep the new barrel ones, cause they are gorgeous and realistic, but do something with the wood and stone ones, maybe mix up the new and old ones together?
azz0r: "I dont think anyone cares what you like"

nice well thought out 10 year old response
the new ones are better and if you disagree you are infact 110% WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now STFU.
Have you ever shot a barrel? I have. They are not realistic. Some of them look like there popping out. Like he said, Pimples.
The only thing I like about the Update is the HAND MODELS and the new bullet holes in barrel .. thats about it. :E

and YES the new barrel HOLES LOOK GREAT (and how do I know umm... I have shot lots of guns, My grampa owns a gun shop) :E

The old barrel holes look more like melted metal THEN A BULLET HOLE !!!!
Theyre fine, valves not going to change them becasue a fe wpeople don't like them. They're much better, and somewhat more realistic.
skater4evr5 said:
The only thing I like about the Update is the HAND MODELS and the new bullet holes in barrel .. thats about it. :E

and YES the new barrel HOLES LOOK GREAT (and how do I know umm... I have shot lots of guns, My grampa owns a gun shop) :E

The old barrel holes look more like melted metal THEN A BULLET HOLE !!!!
After seeing that i liek the new ones better!
New versions are much better. Don't mess with a good thing.
Mr.Headcrab said:
Small-5.56 (.223 cal), and 5.7mm(.245 cal) bullets (there very close in size)

Medium- 7.62 (.32 cal)

Bigger-9mm (.38 cal.)

Biggest .45 and .50 express

PS i dont like the new dual tone dualies either, and all the mm to caliber conversions are correct except for the 5.7mm-.245 which might be a bit off, the rest are for sure though

no, 7.62mm is a .30 caliber round
and 9mm is about .35
new ones are 10x better. actually look like dents in the barrel not just black spots.
The new metal holes are cooler generally for the barrels, but they seem to look a bit funy when you hit a car and they're a little 'inconsistent' in how good they look.

Generally I like the new bullet mark decals, not completely sold on the wood holes, but we'll see.