Please help me with a essay.


Feb 14, 2005
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Hi guys,I'm doing a paper on Nature and I would like some ideas,I'm not much of a writer so I get really frustrated when writing essays,please help.

The topic is Our Beloved Earth

That's a pretty broad topic.....trying to narrow it down is the first step you need to take.
Write about polution, but pick a kind nobody really knows about *shrugs*, try stay away from the whole war thing, everyone does that, its dull.
DarkStar said:
That's a pretty broad topic.....trying to narrow it down is the first step you need to take.
I didn't creat the topic,the teacher did,I think the best is to bent it toward global pollution,etc......
Hmmmmmm, I would say go with global warming, but maybe you might want to do it on a more interesting topic, like tsunamis. :D
Have a look at global warming, pollution, deforestation, all the stuff that's apparently buggering up our planet, aybe take a look at energy resources - and other resources like solar power etc. - there should be plenty of stuff on google for you to get an essay done.
You could do it on natural disasters, and focus on the tsunami
I heard there might be another one, was it a false alarm?
ríomhaire said:
You could do it on natural disasters, and focus on the tsunami
I heard there might be another one, was it a false alarm?

It IS a false alarm, just a quake down in the South of Thailand. Given, the quake was quite a big one.
I was going to say "Do your own ****ing work" but if it is about our 'beloved' Earth, then I don't balme you. Stay the **** away from war and the tsunami. Focus on eco systems and natural wonders, but not diasters.
I just called my teacher and she agreed to let me change the topic......can anyone come one up for me? Here is what I got so far, thanks for all the help everyone gave me :p .

Earth, such a fragile planet, beatiful yet it is benting its way towards annihilation because of the most advanced creatures ever known in humanity, us. If we do not take action soon it is our children who will miss the exprince that we had during our lifetime, we must take action soon to stop pollution before it is too late.

First we need to understand how the earth’s temperature is regulated. The Earth absorbs the heat energy of sunshine mainly at the surface. To maintain a steady temperature, a balancing amount of energy is then radiated upwards from the surface at longer, infrared, wavelengths. Some of the gases in the atmosphere which are present naturally, particularly water vapour, carbon dioxide and methane, absorb some of this infrared radiation so acting as ‘blankets’ over the surface.Close control is thereby kept on global temperature ,with the Earth’s surface nearly 30ºC warmer than it would otherwise be, providing an average climate for the Earth very suitable for human life. It is called the ‘greenhouse effect’ because the glass in a greenhouse possesses similar properties to the atmosphere.Increases in the amount of gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are occurring because of emissions from human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) or through deforestation. These increases are sufficient to lead on average to substantially increased warming.

The Earth’s climate is in a long term warm phase that began when the last ice age ended about 20,000 years ago; the last warm period was about 120,000 years ago. The main triggers for ice ages have been the small regular variations in the geometry of the Earth’s orbit about the sun which affect the distribution of solar radiation at the Earth’s surface. The next ice age is expected to begin in about 50,000 years time.A strong correlation exists between atmospheric temperature and carbon dioxide content. This is partly because the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is dependent on factors strongly connected to the average temperature. Also, the carbon dioxide content in its turn influences the temperature through the greenhouse effect. Over the past 200 years human activities have increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by over 30% - well beyond the range of its natural variation during the last million years or more. If the increase continues and if adequate action is not taken to stem it, the atmospheric carbon dioxide content will reach double its pre-industrial value during the 21st century. As a result the average rate of warming of the climate is expected to be greater than at any time during the last 10,000 years. This is not necessarily bad; some communities may experience a net benefit. But many ecosystems and humans will find it difficult to adjust to this rapid rate of change.

To mitigate the effects of global climate change, action is required to reduce the human-induced emissions of carbon dioxide. This has large implications, for the energy sector in particular. Technology is already available for much of what is required, for instance to generate and use energy much more efficiently and to develop renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, water, biomass and others, which are not dependent on fossil fuels. Action can also be taken to increase the sinks which remove carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere (eg by reducing deforestation and increasing forestation or by direct sequestration of carbon dioxide) and to reduce methane emissions from, for example, leakage from mines and landfill sites. The main role of governments and world agencies will be to stimulate markets, to encourage the development and use of the most appropriate clean technologies.

As you can clearly see in the future is a age where we can not see the sun if we do not take necessary actions, by doing that every individual has a role to play in decreasing pollution, we can do that by saving power, for example
# ensure maximum energy efficiency in the home (over 25% of CO2 emissions are from domestic energy use) through good heat insulation and through the use of high efficiency appliances (eg low energy light bulbs, Grade A or B appliances).
# ensure maximum energy saving - do not overheat rooms and turn off lights when not required.
# support, where possible, the provision of energy from renewable sources; e.g. purchase ‘green’ electricity now that this option is available.
# use public transport, and walk and cycle where possible, and use a fuel-efficient car (over 25% of CO2 emissions come from transport).
# consider the environment when shopping; eg buy goods produced with low energy use and products that originate from renewable sources.
# through the democratic process, encourage local and national government to deliver policies that properly take the environment into account.

Save our beloved Earth from distruction, encourage evenyone to do so, every action counts !
You should use "The media's effect on this generation."
Yes the tsunami, I plan writing some of that but it is long enough.
I want to stick with the Our Beloved Earth topic but it sounds a little stupid,can someone help me come up with a anme like that without changing the meaning?
I had a Chinese topic to write about so I had to trancelate the topic,the original topic was suppose to be: Caring for Our Beloved Earth......should I stick with the original one?
My layout style for a topic/thesis based essay:


Intro sentence, answer the question
Topic sentence/thesis one
topic sentence/thesis two
topic sentence/thesis three

Topic one intro
Topic one explaination/discussion
Topic one example
Topic one example
Topic one conclusion/link back to introduction sentence.

Topic two intro
Topic two explaination/discussion
Topic two example
Topic two example
Topic two conclusion/link back to introduction sentence.

Topic three intro
Topic three explaination/discussion
Topic three example
Topic three example
Topic three conclusion/link back to introduction sentence.

Topic one summary
Topic two summary
Topic three summary
Link back to intro, answer question once again/present thesis idea once again.


Use of examples.

Example intro
Example description
Example disscussion
Example's relevance, reiterated, why it is relevant

Hope thats useful for you :thumbs:
Earth, such a fragile planet, beautiful yet it is twisting its way towards annihilation because of the most advanced creatures ever known; mankind.

Edited the first line towards my own personal style heh. Are you seriously just given a broad topic like that and told "Write an essay"??
Well, mine is kinda like that......kinda......
SimonomiS said:
Edited the first line towards my own personal style heh. Are you seriously just given a broad topic like that and told "Write an essay"??
No no,that part was for you guys to read and help me creat a new topic on the essay :laugh: .
You edited that post :sleep: ,thanks for the edit...I'll use it,own you one mate.
bliink said:
My layout style for a topic/thesis based essay:


Intro sentence, answer the question
Topic sentence/thesis one
topic sentence/thesis two
topic sentence/thesis three

Topic one intro
Topic one explaination/discussion
Topic one example
Topic one example
Topic one conclusion/link back to introduction sentence.

Topic two intro
Topic two explaination/discussion
Topic two example
Topic two example
Topic two conclusion/link back to introduction sentence.

Topic three intro
Topic three explaination/discussion
Topic three example
Topic three example
Topic three conclusion/link back to introduction sentence.

Topic one summary
Topic two summary
Topic three summary
Link back to intro, answer question once again/present thesis idea once again.


Use of examples.

Example intro
Example description
Example disscussion
Example's relevance, reiterated, why it is relevant

Hope thats useful for you :thumbs:

My English lesson has been completed for today. :cheers: And Sieg try not to think about it too much, just pick a topic and write. :)
Datrix said:
My English lesson has been completed for today. :cheers: And Sieg try not to think about it too much, just pick a topic and write. :)
Already done :P .
Hows the topic? Caring for Our Beloved Earth
And blink,usefull information you posted up there.
:Ctrl-c bliink's post,Ctrl-v bliink's post: :cheese:
Datrix said:
My English lesson has been completed for today.

If you have a plan, and you have raw information, then essay writing can be made remarkably easier with a decent plan :)
bliink said:
If you have a plan, and you have raw information, then essay writing can be made remarkably easier with a decent plan :)

Wow, you're better than my English teacher. :P Seriously though its actually pretty sad....
bliink said:
If you have a plan, and you have raw information, then essay writing can be made remarkably easier with a decent plan :)

That is quite true. I had an English essay to do about Shakespeare's work a while ago, I was stumped till the teacher game me a plan. It obliterated all questions I had about it.
Sieg said:
No no,that part was for you guys to read and help me creat a new topic on the essay :laugh: .
You edited that post :sleep: ,thanks for the edit...I'll use it,own you one mate.

Ack thought it was some kind of first draft. :o
Good topic choice, I mean depending on how thorough you want to be, it could turn into a mammoth essay. Maybe focus on what the general population, or the "little people" can do to care for the Earth, or focus on the big companies with factories and such. Or sections on each. Good luck. :thumbs:
I hate having to write a essay. I have to find an good pen, an paper, and an nice place to write. Then I have to sit there for hours to think of a idea. When I have an topic, it becomes easier. A esay is an wurst progekt evr.

Ooookay. I hope some people understood what I imply by this post.

Once upon a time in the magic fairy kingdom ther...

Oh wait.
Tr0n said:

Once upon a time in the magic fairy kingdom ther...

Oh wait.

It's okay, please continue :p

*edit* teh yesr is 2005 and I got 2005 posts, w00t! :D
Thanks Bliink for the essay pattern :) Will be useful, makes the writting so much easier now. :D
Global Warming Is Your Demise! I Cherish It But All You People Do It Push It Away! Well It's Gonna Get Revenge! Like Frankenstein's Monster!
Sieg said:
I didn't creat the topic,the teacher did,I think the best is to bent it toward global pollution,etc......
