Please Help Me



I recently downloaded Half Life 2 Deathmatch for free because of my ATI card. I wanted to download Garry's Mod and I saw from the list of games, that I could download it since I had HL2:DM. When I went to download it, it wasn't there in Steam, and when I went to, it said I needed to download a source game. I hope you understand my problem. I already did this,

1. Log out and exit Steam.
2. Delete the file in your Steam directory called ClientRegistry.blob.

This file would typically be located in the following directory:

C:\Program Files\Steam\


3. Launch Steam and log back in.
4. Steam it will re-create this file, do a brief update and then you should be able to play.

and it still didn't work.

Please help,
Vinny D
yes I know that. steam will not let me purchase it without a package. so can you help me now?
from steam, gmod is only availible in a package for me. from, its availible seperately, but when I click purchase, it says u need a source game. I looked at a list of source games, and hl2:dm was there. thanks for the replies so far, but I still need an answer.

When I click on the link that you guys gave me, it said that I needed a source SDK game to buy Garry's Mod.