Please... HELP ME !!


Aug 30, 2004
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Can someone PLEASE scan page 110 of the book of "raising the bar" for me... please ! i want it because there's a concept of an elite combine cop or something i think... and i realy want to know if its the concept of the model of the corrupt thumbnail image in model viewer that im really interestd in for my MOD. I realy want to see PLEASE :o ! (check teh image)
sorry, scannings kinda illegal or something...

but i can tell you there is an elite metro cop, and he isnt anything like that picture. He just has a different mask to normal metro cops. :D

edit: i think it's a combine elite.

'The combine elite was originally designed as an existing combine creature, something akin to a small bipedal Strider, grafted onto the proportions of a human soldier. Problems with using an overtly alien model in the alien setting of the citadel eventually caused it to be dropped in favour of a more humanoid model'
ok thanks anyway... i want to have the masel of that thumbnail :(