Please help -- never seen before.

Illegal Amigo

Aug 17, 2004
Reaction score
Hi, I just put a new RADEON 9800XT in my computer from a Radeon 9600, and I was running 3dMARK03 and right in hte middle, my computer turned off. I opened my case up to see what was the matter, and my power supply was VERY hot. It's a 300 watt, and I got it from this shady Russian place. Do you think it's only that, or could my card, mobo, or something else be bad too! AHH! My computer won't turn on either (I'm on a different one.) Thanks in advance for the replies.
When you say 'won't turn on' do you mean that NOTHING at all happens when you push the power switch? No error messages? No beeps? No noises of any kind? No lights on the front? If absolutely nothing happens you probably did your PSU in.

Edit: Oh, and what other things do you have in your computer (that consume power)?
I'm 98% sure you fried your power supply. Better find a new one, and don't settle for a generic brand cheapy either.
Thanks to both of you. It really means a lot that you guys posted so soon. I very much appreciate it. Yes, I get no beeps, no post, no anything. What brand power supply would you guys suggest? And is it possible that my mobo and vid card are fried as well?
They could be fried, but you won't know until you get a reliable PSU. I suggest Antec, Thermaltake, or any of the other major brands. I'd suggest 350 watts or more. If you can, get something like 450. After I get my rig and more money I'm definitely buying a more reliable one rather than the stock that comes with it.
If you got nothing at all when booting (not even the PSU fan spinning) it sounds like a PSU problem. Doubtful you damaged anything else. Any name-brand power supply like Malfunction suggested is good. Where do you live?
He can always just take a look at Newegg, so it wouldn't matter where he's at.
Ohio, USA -- And I'm about half an hour from a Computer store, but it's a necessity. I leave for college on Sunday, and absolutely have to have a working computer.
Yeah, the rest of your stuff should be fine. It just sounds like your new video card coupled with a generic power supply was just too much to handle. I had a similar problem and replaced my PS with this:

Very nice quality PS for a nice price.

edit: be picky about what you buy at a computer store though. I found that exact same power supply in the link above at compusa but they wanted double the price. and that was on sale! :eek:
If it's desperate, and you can't wait for delivery from newegg, then go to the computer store and make sure you find a decent, name-brand PSU. A warrenty would be nice too.

BTW, what other power-hungry stuff do you have on your comp? By that I mean number of drives, fans, PCI cards, etc. If your PS fried with only a handful of stuff on it, sounds like you didn't get a PS... you got a PoS.
Malfunction said:
That looks pretty it AMD/Intel compatible, or just one? I couldn't find it on that link.

I'm pretty certain it's compatible for both. I think it says P4 approved on the package, plus it works very nicely with my AMD64.
ACLeroK212 said:
I'm pretty certain it's compatible for both. I think it says P4 approved on the package, plus it works very nicely with my AMD64.

Sounds good. I'll ask some people about it.
Hmmm, I might need a new PS. All I have ATM is the P(o)S that came with my computer, and I ordered a 9800pro. Oh well, I only have a couple of drives on it.

Anyone know exactly why Illegal Amigos supply fried instead of just shutting down? I thought in cases where you drew too much power you just got random restarts and stuff like that?
jabberwock95 said:
Hmmm, I might need a new PS. All I have ATM is the P(o)S that came with my computer, and I ordered a 9800pro. Oh well, I only have a couple of drives on it.

Anyone know exactly why Illegal Amigos supply fried instead of just shutting down? I thought in cases where you drew too much power you just got random restarts and stuff like that?

Well, if the PSU was really cheap, you never know. Maybe it was just pushing the PSU's limits as far as possible.
It's possible that you just blew the thermo fuse in your PSU, wait about an hour then try to fire it up again. I did that when I shorted out my PSU (positive wire to ground) and I thought I had rooted my mobo.

Still, I think it's a good idea to get a new PSU, go for 300+ watts, any brand that you have heard of. Don't buy one with some funky brand name you've never heard.
I got a 400 Watt Soyo Rapter with adjustable voltage today for only $30 after rebate! It was cheaper htan the pos generic 250watts, lol. This thing is working great, and I'm back online. Thanks everyoen for the help.
Hmm...though I've never heard of that brand before, if it works, it works. Have fun.
Malfunction said:
Hmm...though I've never heard of that brand before, if it works, it works. Have fun.

Soyo makes good motherboards, but yeah, I haven't heard anything about their power supplies. Although I'm guessing it'll work just fine.
Good luck mate, yeah, would have been the PSU. I should know, I've had so many bad experiences with shoddy unbranded PSUs ;(
That thing comes in a big box.
You can adjust the rail voltages I think.
Pretty cool anyway.