Please help with setting up a decent brush for Photoshop!


Nov 1, 2003
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I'd really like some help with setting up a brush for painting in ps. I do have a bit of knowledge of how to change and make brushes, but this problem I'm having now, I have no idea what to do about.

I don't want two strokes of the same color to overlap!
If I make a brushstroke with a clear red with very low opacity, and then make another brushstroke over it, with the same low opacity, they add up and become "thicker" where they overlap.
I really would like to change this so strokes with a certain opacity look like they have the same opacity, not adding up!

This is what I get.

This is what I want (only, also from separate strokes too).

The settings for color dynamics are friggin weird, so I don't know what to do...

Can someone help me out, pleeaase?
paint all on a new layer, using thick 100% opacity.. then lower the layer opacity, sorted
Obiviously you'd be the one to help... Thx mate!

That's a way to do it for sure, but it seems an aweful lot of work for something so (seemingly) simple.
Isn't it possible to do what I'm asking in Painter, just out of the box all nice and simple? If so, it should be possible in PS too...

Anyways, if anyone has any suggestions I'd be very happy to hear them..
Sorze said:
Obiviously you'd be the one to help... Thx mate!

That's a way to do it for sure, but it seems an aweful lot of work for something so (seemingly) simple.
Isn't it possible to do what I'm asking in Painter, just out of the box all nice and simple? If so, it should be possible in PS too...

Anyways, if anyone has any suggestions I'd be very happy to hear them..
yeah its possible to do it other ways, but the layer one is like two/three clicks
The Dark Elf said:
yeah its possible to do it other ways, but the layer one is like two/three clicks

Yeah well, it's two three clicks every single stroke I want to do, and that's going to add up to a whole lot of clicks in quite a short time.

If you do know some other way to get the result I want, you'd make me a happy guy by telling me...
Sorze said:
Yeah well, it's two three clicks every single stroke I want to do, and that's going to add up to a whole lot of clicks in quite a short time.

If you do know some other way to get the result I want, you'd make me a happy guy by telling me...
you said
I don't want two strokes of the same color to overlap!

1) make a new layer
2) get a brush
3) paint, everything is thick and no transparency, red on red will still be red, yellow on red will be yellow not orange etc.

finish your painting, then lower the layer opacity

You need to explain it better and show examples if its not that, that your talking about.
Okay, I'll try to explain better.
What I want to be able to do is the following:

Paint with a colour, only applying light pressure with the pen.
(for colouring, say shading with a certain colour)

Start another stroke, applying the exact same pressure, in the same place. This should show no visible signs of painting at all, and only increasing the pressure should make for a change in the colour, and lead to a smooth transition to a darker colour. (like in the second picture I posed in the first post, only, I want that effect with two different strokes)

If I try to do this now, the second stroke only increases the underlying colour. (no matter how low the opacity is.)

Or, like this:
I have a nice spot of red (100 percent opacity).
I want to be able to draw the same red, with lower opacity (being a brighter red) on top of the 100 percent opacity red, to make a nice smooth transition.

I hope you understand what I mean..
Now i'm actually not so sure what I'm asking is possible to do (in the same layer, at least), because lower opacity brushes add up, that's just the way it is.
Sorze said:
Okay, I'll try to explain better.
What I want to be able to do is the following:

Paint with a colour, only applying light pressure with the pen.
(for colouring, say shading with a certain colour)

Start another stroke, applying the exact same pressure, in the same place. This should show no visible signs of painting at all, and only increasing the pressure should make for a change in the colour, and lead to a smooth transition to a darker colour. (like in the second picture I posed in the first post, only, I want that effect with two different strokes)

If I try to do this now, the second stroke only increases the underlying colour. (no matter how low the opacity is.)

Or, like this:
I have a nice spot of red (100 percent opacity).
I want to be able to draw the same red, with lower opacity (being a brighter red) on top of the 100 percent opacity red, to make a nice smooth transition.

I hope you understand what I mean..
Now i'm actually not so sure what I'm asking is possible to do (in the same layer, at least), because lower opacity brushes add up, that's just the way it is.
I think what your trying to do is probably done an extremely simple other way.

Can you show the image your trying to do with it. Cause im sure what your trying to do can be done completely different.

It "sounds" like all you need to do is use the layer method.. hold on will do an example, see if this is anything like what your trying to do...

(will add an attachment in a bit)

Actually cba, I can't work out what it is your trying to do that you can't do with layers. Your gonna have to show the image.
It's not a problem I've been thinking about because of a certain image I'm working, I've been thinking about during everything I've done so far, pretty much.

This is a decently soft transition of red.

Let's say I want to prolong the transition from red to black, so the red goes completely black at the end.
If I try to use a very low opacity red (low pressure with the tablet), this is what I get.

The blue arrows show what I don't like.
You see where they overlap, it turns brighter? I would like the lower opacity to stay lower opacity, even it it's on top of something else.
I'd like to be able to continue on that shading, without getting an ugly bright strand where I started on the second stroke (which will happen even if I'm on another layer).

Dammit, this is really hard to explain! :(
Sorry to be so annoying.
Look, you don't have to keep replying, I don't think this is possible actually.
This isn't the way real paint works either, if it's not "100 percent opacity", so to speak.

Thanks for trying anyway, sorry to be a bother.
Ahh I see what your trying to do....

Hmm no, no way to do what your wanting to do, without using 100% opacity and a steady hand.

Though you could do it another way, create the silhouette, then fill them in separately, i guess..


though if you don't mind it getting DARKER.. just use multiply, or darken etc.