please i need help with hammer


Sep 24, 2004
Reaction score
hi all i'd like to know:
1) how to import objects like oil barrels , or wood boxes, i can't find them on the entity list , do i have create them myself ??

2) when i create a building and place a texture on it the texture doesn't match with the building size even if i try to "fit" it
with toggle texture tool
i'm a noob that's sure but i really want to create my own SP map for hl2 , any help would be kind
thanx all

1- Use prop_physics or prop_static, click the world model name, then click the browse button. Barrels can be found in props_c17, to change the color of the barrel click the skin entry then choose a number between 0 and 6. Crates and boxes can be found in props_junk.

2- Use small brushes, most of the textures have an upper and lower section to it, one texture piece will be the standard grid size of 128x128, you can then copy that up above the first one and choose a different texture. You can also manually resize the texture using the scale buttons to the left hand side of the texture application. Try to avoid using the fit button as it will stretch the texture out of shape.

You may also want ot check out the excellent video tutorials at the top of the mapping forum ( and also check lots of good tutorials around.