Please put the two spoiler forums in a category of their own


Apr 13, 2004
Reaction score
So that I can minimise it and avoid any thread title spoilers. Thanks.
Meh, just avoid the HL² fora until you played the game :)
Yes. Superb idea. I was thinking the same.
Maybe Munro can take this into consideration before the 16th. :)
I cannot think of a single reason why this has not been done.
Please make a sticky or change the General forum title to KEEP SPOILERS OUT.
Varsity said:
I cannot think of a single reason why this has not been done.
Well once the majority of people have completed the game, your gonna find spoilers are just part of regular conversation, and the speed people are completing it at, thats not gonna be too far away, and once those who completed it outweight those who haven't, your only choice will be to keep away. It happens with all games, films, books where groups get together, it'll happen on the other forums too. I think its some unwritten guideline that its around two weeks to a month before. Unless its a TV show then its usually different cause of air dates.

If you really want them moved, speak to Munro, though I've a feeling it might mess up the usergroup permissions and since he'd just wiped and redone all of those, I doubt he's gonna want to have to do it all again.