Please Valve, please Gabe. End this madness once and for all. Now that Best buy is selling the game among other retail stores we really need to get an update about what will happen.
I understand that you guys might be bound by contract not to unlock Half-life 2 until 16th november, and if so why cant you just set the record straight and tell us. Please dont handle this like the september 30th fiasco with silence. Show us that you guys learnt from that experience. Show me and the rest of the community why many of us hold Valve as the greatest developers ever!
Please guys, tell us the truth, we can handle it.
I understand that you guys might be bound by contract not to unlock Half-life 2 until 16th november, and if so why cant you just set the record straight and tell us. Please dont handle this like the september 30th fiasco with silence. Show us that you guys learnt from that experience. Show me and the rest of the community why many of us hold Valve as the greatest developers ever!
Please guys, tell us the truth, we can handle it.