Plight of Japan's 'tsunami orphans' (good read and video clip)


Jul 30, 2008
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Ishinomaki, Japan (CNN) -- Sayaka Sugawara feels nothing, she says, standing on the foundation of the only home she's ever known. Japan's devastating tsunami on March 11 swept away the entire structure, leaving behind only a horror the 15-year old still cannot comprehend.

"I was in the stairway," she recalls. "My mother was upstairs. My grandmother and great grandmother were downstairs with my dog. I heard a huge sound from the ground. Instantly, my house broke apart. I thought, 'Oh, I will die now.'"

Sayaka pauses, staring out over the landscape of nothingness. Two hundred homes once stood here -- not a single sign remains of that community.

horrible I steel feel bad that I "only" donated $20 but I'm broke as ****.
There is a video in the article where the girls says after the first wave her mom was still alive but trapped.Her mom then told her not leave her alone,The girl then;" says I left anyway." :|
I really don't want judge this poor young woman chances are she would have died in the 2nd wave with her mom if she stayed.But when you watch the Interview they're was no emotion when she mentioned her mother telling her to stay.
I have never lost a really close family member so I can't imagine how she must feel I guess she just be completely numb after this tragedy.I don't know what I would do without my mom.

What are your thoughts on this guys?
Aw ****....It's not good for me to be this depressed already so early in the day :(

In cold blood, I can say that I would never leave my mother, but who knows? She's very afraid of tidal waves, it's kind of an irrational phobia with her (especially since Cork has minimal tidal wave risk). They kind of freak me out too, I often have nightmares about maybe I would just run like hell. That said, she also would be unlikely to tell me to stay.
Your right I think there is no way to know what you would in in that situation until your actually in it.
Water/Waves don't really scare me.But if your house get swept away while Im in it then yeah,that would scare me to death too.