Pls help, Water/Lighting Problem



Ok, I've been having this problem for the last couple of days in my actual map so i made a very basic new map to see if i could figure it out but i still have the same problem.

Basically, whenever i put ANY water into my map, my light_env stops working completely and my map will be dark when i run it. I have no idea what is wrong. I think the settings for the light_env are correct, i have been over them many times and have even used a copy of the light_env for other sdk maps with the same result.

Im posting the screenshots, you will see that without the water you can see the light is working, and then the only thing ill change is putting the water in and it goes dark. I've even tried putting a very tiny piece of water in that doesnt clip anything and it still kills the light.

-I have the latest video drivers and directx
-I have no leaks in the map
-The water brush has nodraw on all sides except for the water texture on top

thx for any help

Are you sure the light is working? Kinda looks like fullbright to me. What if you just put a standard light entity near the water?
ok i think you are right, it might be fullbright, which means im a bigger noob than i thought, i put in another standard light and i cant see that either, so any help as to why none are showing up?
i notice you're using dev_water5, and have to ask: why?

try one of the water materials without 'dev' in the name, like the canal ones or murky ones
problem solved, it didnt have anything to do with the water it turns out, the texture i was using for the ground is messed up or was intended for a model. No lights would show on it, changed it and all lights working fine again. thx for the help