Plus-size lingerie ad gets pulled and then CNN accidentally airs fatty joke


The Freeman
Nov 5, 2004
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Lane Bryant, maker of lingerie for plus-sized women, had a flesh-baring ad set to air on ABC and FOX, both of which apparently refused to air the ad due to the excessive flaunting of the model's dirty pillows. These claims came from Lane Bryant, arguing that Victoria's Secret commercials aired by their networks were no less racy and publicly cried foul about the double-standard by posting the commercial (linked below) on Youtube. This claim has been denied by both networks, seemingly painting this a publicity stunt. Here is the original ad:

curvy white woman ahead, all Vegetas avert eyes now ...

CNN pushed it to the limit, though, as during their coverage of the story, they accidentally aired the Youtube "remix" of the video, as the model's cell phone display was changed from its calendar reminder to meet Dan for lunch to a message about the McRib's return to the McDonalds menu.

CNN, you rock my world, what can I say.

The site that supplied the parody, now flaunting their win at the Internet:

you know what they say about fat chicks right??

they get far wetter

anyway i'd hit it!
That chick is not fat, ffs. In fact, she's probably thinner than 80% of the American population.
That chick is not fat, ffs. In fact, she's probably thinner than 80% of the American population.

heres how it boils down:

ages 19-30yr old women are cows
age 31-45 yr old women are athletic

age 19-30yr old guys are average
age 31-45yr old guys are fat

everyone else is right where they should be

thats how i see. i know more chicks my age that weight much more than i do and i know more milfs/older women who are ****ing gorgeous
She doesn't look fat at all, but she does look sturdy as ****.
What the ****, that's a plus sized woman? The only thing large about her are her breasts.
I love how "plus size" secretly means "how women are supposed to look".

For the first few plus sizes anyway.
makes you wonder what this is... If not a whale.

Also don't say how women should look. Some are naturally skinny. You can only say how some shouldn't look. Like this one ^^
She has a nice face. Shame she can't stop putting things in it.
Some women are just blessed with well-placed fat allocation I guess. She's gotta be above recommended BMI, but somehow she still manages to have a waist. Fist of an angry god, by the way.

Gotta love CNN's not even bothering to watch a 25-second clip all the way through before airing it for the entire country to see.
i love when fat chicks take very nice photoshops of their face to make them look skinny and then you meet them in person and pretend to get a phone call from your uncle saying your grandpa just died and then you run far far away
Thighs, I want them. Particularly from the lady in the video, not that motivational poster.
i love when fat chicks take very nice photoshops of their face to make them look skinny and then you meet them in person and pretend to get a phone call from your uncle saying your grandpa just died and then you run far far away

haha one time I was out, my brother called me and asked me to stop by at a bar he was at. So when I got there he ran up to me, explained what was up, and then went to his date and said, "yeah sorry, my brother really need my help." They met on the internet.
Be my guest, I have absolutely no skill with anything but MS paint.
Some women are just blessed with well-placed fat allocation I guess. She's gotta be above recommended BMI, but somehow she still manages to have a waist. Fist of an angry god, by the way.
FYI, the BMI scale is completely redundant.

And she's not fat.
FYI, the BMI scale is completely redundant.

And she's not fat.

Your mom's completely redundant.

My point was I would call her overweight, whether you measure it by BMI or bodyfat percentage.
Still attractive enough to stand by my "fist of an angry god" comment.
2010 is the year of the Chubby Chaser

also she looks half Asian half American
Isn't she the love interest from Eastbound & Down?
She's ****ing hot. You all be haters.


No seriously she is what I would call 'voluptuous,' not fat at all. Not the best thing to ever be seen in jeans, but I bet she is smoking in the nude. Problem is women like her turn to fatasses when they get older.
Chick was really hot. Better than most of the skin stretched-over-skeletons of victoria's secret ads.

No seriously she is what I would call 'voluptuous,' not fat at all. Not the best thing to ever be seen in jeans, but I bet she is smoking in the nude. Problem is women like her turn to fatasses when they get older.
You've got it wrong. It's not voluptuous women that turn into fatasses, it's the women who preen only to attract a mate and level up their imaginary social rank. Once this alpha-female strategy starts to fail, they punch out. You just need to find a voluptuous girl who takes care of herself for herself.

[edit] I guess the same goes for guys.
You've got it wrong. It's not voluptuous women that turn into fatasses, it's the women who preen only to attract a mate and level up their imaginary social rank. Once this alpha-female strategy starts to fail, they punch out. You just need to find a voluptuous girl who takes care of herself for herself.

[edit] I guess the same goes for guys.

True enough, I guess. It depends entirely. I am far from the perfectly attractive male, having T-Rex syndrome and all.

You know what we need? A scientific study of this. Who's willing to do it?
i love when fat chicks take very nice photoshops of their face to make them look skinny and then you meet them in person and pretend to get a phone call from your uncle saying your grandpa just died and then you run far far away


I see in your profile that you live in Toronto, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 hour train ride at great expense to myself, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my downtown apartment because it was such a nice day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of the city anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my AIM, my favourite IRC room, and my email address, in your very first PM.

I see in your profile that you live in Toronto, and it just so happens that I do too! Well, not really, but I would be totally willing to take a 4 hour train ride at great expense to myself, if we were to meet. I could just say that I walked from my downtown apartment because it was such a nice day, and people just don't take the time to admire the scenery of the city anymore (not that I would know, since I've never been there before). And I simply must say that you have gorgeous, shimmering eyes. And no, I'm not a stalker, haha. But here is my AIM, my favourite IRC room, and my email address, in your very first PM.

Oh, I love you. I remembered that the other day and looked up the thread, great times.
i'd like to engage in sexual relations with that "plus sized" woman. she looks like she knows what she's doing in the sack.
I don't know how racey the other lingerie ads the OP mentions but I can see why they might not want to show that during the day, it's pretty sexy TBH. At night is another matter and I can't comment on any double standard because I haven't seen the other ads.
I don't know how racey the other lingerie ads the OP mentions but I can see why they might not want to show that during the day, it's pretty sexy TBH. At night is another matter and I can't comment on any double standard because I haven't seen the other ads.

This ad is no worse than the Victoria's Secret ads, the only difference being that this model has breasts and the Victoria's Secret models don't.

Seriously though, the model in the ad isn't even overweight, she's just not the generally accepted "normal" size for a model (ie superthin). ABC and FOX are totally sending out the wrong message here, dictating that it's somehow ok to show some flesh if you're really skinny and the cookie cutter definition of sexy, but not if you're taller or curvier or bigger built than the Victoria's Secret models, which, let's face it, most women are.

That woman in the ad could probably starve herself and still look curvy. It's just the way some people are made, it has nothing to do with being overweight.