Plz Review my Wish List


Aug 25, 2004
Reaction score
New Egg Wish List

Don't pay to much attention to prices... I'm at the stage where I'm deciding what I want and haven't shopped around yet...

I have concerns on the Power Supply... Sizewise plus brand name... What do you think?

On the Hard Drive I've been flip flopping between a single 10K rpm 4.5msec 80 Gig drive for the same costs as the two 160 Gig 7200 rpm 8.5msec drives in RAID... I know RAID is mostly about reliability but I understand access time will be faster to... Which would you choose...

Memory... is PQI a decent brand? I know I said ignore price but I had two options when building the wish list for DDR400 Reg ECC and the Corsair was $789 bucks for 2 Gig! So I selected 4 Gig of the PQI at the $960 price...

I think with memory it would be wiser to get 4 Gig at 2X 2 Gig so that later if I wanted to max the MB out at 8 Gig I wouldn't have to throw out 2 Gig but I haven't seen DDR400 at 2X 2 Gig... (Hopefully someone reading this will understand and comment)

I'm comfortable with everything else but I have a thick skin so let me know if you think I'm going the wrong way.

BTW - Don't assume money is no option...
Man, you are one rich guy :)
ram should be okay, the manufacturing process has got allot more reliable with the less well known brands. What you going to use 4gig for anyway?!

Antec PSU's are the best :)
Looks good, but maybe go socket 939 instead? The case looks awesome, and the amps look okay on the power supply so it should be okay. But I would go with a Thermaltake or something better maybe. I love the case though. I think you should get a good case that doesn't come with a power supply, and get this power supply separately:

This thing is awesome. It's a high quality psu and it's very powerful, and it's VERY quiet.
If you have to much money to burn, please donate me some money ..... :P
LOL - I'm an older guy (Relative to most of the folks here anyway) And I've been working two jobs for too long...

Thanks for the solid advice everyone... I made adjustments... Somehow I miss-read an artical that AMD was standardizing on Socket 940... Turns out the inverse is true... That saved me a few bucks so I'm putting it into better power and cooling...

I also dropped to 2 Gig RAM... You're right... That was redicules..
Really, I don't see a performance jump more than 10-15 FPS between 1GB and 2GB. Hardly a jump in DOOM]|[ at Ultra settings between 512 and 1024, so I would say it's not the age of 2Gb yet. By the time it is, you'll need a whole new computer so you can play Unreal3 games with SM3 and SLI.