plz somebody help me out with gf6800 and x800 pro

May 12, 2004
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I know i'm posting in the wrong forum, but posting this in the hardware forum means this won't be read by many people, please forgive me, because i need help and i'm running out of time . Last week, I bought a gf6800 gamer edition which is slightly better than the normal gf6800 but a bit worse than the gf6800 gt. The card cost about 60 dollars more than x800 pro. The guy who sold me this card said that i can return it or exchange it with another card within 10 days. I initially think that this card is better than x800 pro. however, this morning somebody told me that ati is going to release a new driver which will make x800 pro perform as good as my card in doom3 and he also said that x800 pro will be a lot better than my card in half life 2. Should I return my fg6800 v9999 gamer edition and exchange to the x800 pro ??? Please help me quick, i have like two days left to make my decision, i don't want to regret after spending couple hundred dollars.
You realize that posting something in the correct forum usually gives you better answers, right?

Anyways, the 6800 GT and X800 Pro are both blazing fast. I mean it, they are really fast. With such close performance between cards, it is not unlikely to have performance numbers change dramatically with each new driver revision.

Stick with your 6800 GT if you want a tad bit more performance or return it for an X800 Pro to save money (in your case) for a bit less performance.

It is impossible to tell which one is really faster right now. They are pretty much even except the 6800 GT is leading with its current driver revision. Don't worry about it, your card is plenty fast.
blahblahblah said:
Stick with your 6800 GT if you want a tad bit more performance or return it for an X800 Pro to save money (in your case) for a bit less performance.

I thought he said it wasnt a GT.
How about you send me the 6800 GT and I'll send you an ATI 9700 Pro? Anyway, what blahblahblah said is pretty much the best answer anyone can give on this subject.
Return it for a 6800 GT if you can, personally I think the card you have is a rip off considering that it only has 12 pipes, and it still cost you what a GT would have. . . Im not flaming, I just want to help. I seroiusly would return it if you could for a GT version and get the full 16 pipes and clock speeds that you deserve for the money. :)
uhm no offense to blahblahblah but Asus is hardware guru around here ...he's second only to jesus himself!

personally I'd get an ATI 9000 that way you wont be disappointed when it looks like crap! and you can get one for the price of a pack of gum if you hurry
Whooops :o

I thought you meant 6800 GT.

Between an X800 Pro and a 6800 (vanilla version), the X800 Pro will walk all over it time and time again. You do need to trade it in, the X800 Pro performs much better than the 6800 especially with AA and AF enabled. Even with AA and AF off, the X800 Pro performs much better than the 6800.

Anandtech Benchmarks
Xbit Labs Benchmarks

Those benchmarks above are some of the newest ones that are currently available. That is important to show you the current performance as possible since the driver releases for ATI and Nvidia have increased performance substantial since their release.

ATI is currently readying up their next round of driver releases which are looking pretty impressive.
CptStern said:
uhm no offense to blahblahblah but Asus is hardware guru around here ...he's second only to jesus himself!

personally I'd get an ATI 9000 that way you wont be disappointed when it looks like crap! and you can get one for the price of a pack of gum if you hurry
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
A pack of gum......AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... its funny because its true....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
DJ_Cheeba said:
Return it for a 6800 GT if you can, personally I think the card you have is a rip off considering that it only has 12 pipes, and it still cost you what a GT would have. . . Im not flaming, I just want to help. I seroiusly would return it if you could for a GT version and get the full 16 pipes and clock speeds that you deserve for the money. :)

my card has 16 pipes and i can over-clock it to 420mhz with a program called smart doctor. here is the spec:
Ooops my bad I saw this card on another page and it claims that it is a 12 pipe card. I would stick with the card man, I personally love both ATI and Nvidia. But I would stick with what you got, as Blahblahblah said b4 that the performance is so good on both that you will not notice a difference. Either way HL2 will ROCK, fact is that your card is a great DX9 card and that what the developers have in mind, you will experience the game the way it was meant to be (in full DX9 mode, with great framerates). Dont sweat over this ATI \ Nvidia hooplah, its all just marketing crap on the corporate end of things. Plus you might just have to pay a restocking fee for returning the card right? f*ck that man! ! ! Enjoy what you got bud :)
Newbie's Journey said:
my card has 16 pipes and i can over-clock it to 420mhz with a program called smart doctor. here is the spec:

Either you have a 6800 GT or Asus's website is lying to you. They have the model number for this graphics card listed as a 6800, but they give the clock speeds for a 6800 GT. A stock 6800 should have clockspeeds of 325 MHz for its core and 700 Mhz for its memory. Not 350 MHz and 1 GHz, respectively. A 6800 only has 12 pipelines. The 6800 GT has 16 pipelines.
the most important thing is whether the gf6800 v9999 gamer edition is better than the x800 pro in term of performance. if it's, i will stick with it, if not i will return it. I think the only difference between the gf6800 gt and my card is the clock speed. I can overclock it to 420mhz.
Yeah the 6800GT and X800 pro cost less from what you've said than what you have. Return it for a 6800GT it's better than an X800 pro and it will still run HL2 at max settings.